
Is it possible to do PhD in any subject?

Is it possible to do PhD in any subject?

Candidates can pursue a PhD programme in any stream. In a PhD course aspirants need to select a topic or a subject and do in-depth research on it and answer any queries related to the topic/ subject.

Can PhD be done without post graduation?

Yeah, it is possible to join PhD without post graduation but it is not possible without valid GATE score. However, if you are a working professional then maybe you can join under ‘external PhD’ program[1].

Can I do a PhD in a different subject than my masters?

Yes, ofcourse, you can do PhD in any subject even if you are not having a post graduate degree in your name.. but the path is a little different. You have to apply for a dual degree programme in a college or university. This is a Min.

Can I skip Masters and do PhD in India?

Yes, it is possible to get a PhD without having a Master’s degree first. However, there are a few unconventional ways of getting a PhD. Firstly, you can opt to bypass your Master’s degree by enrolling in a PhD program as soon as you complete your undergraduate degree.

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Can you get a PhD without a Masters degree?

Can You Get a PhD without a Masters? Yes, it’s possible to get a PhD without first having a Masters degree. The conventional route for someone who earns a PhD is to pursue a Bachelor’s degree, followed by a Masters degree and then a PhD. However, several students opt to bypass a Master’s degree by enrolling onto a doctoral programme

Should I do a PhD immediately after an undergraduate degree?

The motivations for undertaking a PhD immediately after an undergraduate course are largely in saving money and time. This is because you will essentially eliminate a year of study. Another advantage of immediately enrolling onto a doctorate degree is project availability.

What is an integrated PhD?

Integrated PhD. Some universities offer Integrated PhD degree programmes (also known as an Integrated Masters degree). These are four-year programmes comprising of a one-year Masters degree immediately followed by a three-year PhD degree. These can prove a great option for graduate students who are looking to undertake a PhD without a Masters

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Can a junior college have a full pledged professor with a PhD?

Junior Colleges, and four (4) year colleges/universities, that only offer BA/BS degrees can have full pledged professors with only a Master degree. The typical university offers professorships only to those with a PhD or other practical doctorate.