
Does Japanese iPhone work in India?

Does Japanese iPhone work in India?

Yes, but you have to get that unlocked in India …which may cost u 5000 INR approx. You should be able to buy the iPhone 6 in in Japan and use it in India as long as the phone you have purchased is not bought on any contract with their local service providers.

Does Dubai phones work in India?

yes it will work as i m using uae based phone…

How can I buy a phone from USA to India?

Here are the details. Second, if you’re trying to buy something from USA to India there are companies that will buy it for you to a local US address and ship it to you. Third, you can buy the mobile phone from an online shopping website to your friend/family who can bring it over to you when they visit India.

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What is the difference between iPhones available in India and USA?

Get JetBrains Toolbox with its 15+ code editors for all languages and technologies included in one app. Device wise there is no difference between iPhones which are available in India and USA but iOS and AppStore varies from country to country. Is quality of iPhones assembled in China as good as iPhones assembled in Japan or USA?

Can I bring an iPhone to India without customs duties?

If you’re placing the phone in an un-opened box in your carry luggage or cabin baggage, the customs at Airport will mark your bag and will ask for explanations. Now keep in mind that there are no custom duties for goods worth up to Rs.45,000. ( see details here) So, an iPhone of roughly $700 cannot get customs duties.

How can I buy from the USA and ship to India?

Buy in USA, ship to India, customs is taken care of. This service claims that you can buy anything from the USA by buying it off of their website (not others) and shipping it to India. When you buy something off of their website, they send it to the local warehouse (in the USA), verify contents, and ship it to your address in India.