Tips and tricks

Does Gaming count as a hobby?

Does Gaming count as a hobby?

Are video games a hobby? If you subscribe to the general belief that a hobby is something done for leisure and enjoyment, then yes, video games are certainly a hobby.

Should I put gaming as a hobby on resume?

There is nothing wrong with including a brief mention of videogames on your CV under the ‘further interests’ section, but, much like including ‘reading’ or ‘cooking’, it doesn’t tell the recruiter much about who you are and what you’ve learned.

Is gaming a hobby or passion?

Video gaming is, also, in the list of hobbies . Yes it is a hobby in general.

What can I put for hobbies and interests on my CV?

The best hobbies and interests to put on a CV:

  1. Team sports.
  2. Volunteering.
  3. Blogging.
  4. Club membership.
  5. Painting & Drawing.
  6. Mentoring and coaching.
  7. Travelling.
  8. Gaming.
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How do you put hobbies on a resume?

How to List Hobbies and Interests on a Resume

  1. Find what specifically you enjoy about that hobby.
  2. Focus on it’s unique aspects.
  3. Don’t feel obliged to be too creative.
  4. Create a separate section under a “Hobbies” or “Hobbies & Interests” heading.
  5. List up to 5 personal interests.
  6. Don’t list anything generic.

Do you talk about your video game as a hobby?

If you think your video game hobby can give you a leg up, use it. Otherwise (and this is a very likely otherwise) talk about other hobbies. I play enough basketball and do other interesting things enough to never have to mention video games. Probably not.

Should I put my video game hobby on my resume?

2. In the very near future, the associates and VPs doing the interviewing will be us, the kids who grew up with video games. That means that, in the very near future, it might be perfectly acceptable to put video game hobby on your resume. HOWEVER.

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Should gaming become an Olympic sport?

Gaming could become an Olympic sport in the near future, or at least have its own Olympics. We hear about turning a hobby into a job so often, but only recently have people realised how much potential there is in gaming. Live streaming, posting Youtube videos, and playing games professionally are serious career paths that some kids nowadays pursue.

Should hobbies and interests be included on a resume?

Be prepared on discussing about the (abstract thinking, risk assessment, decision making, etc.), and how they’re relevant to the business in question. If you can’t do that, then it doesn’t belong on a resume. Certain hobbies and interests can look good to employers.