
Can I wear a bandage over my belly button piercing?

Can I wear a bandage over my belly button piercing?

Tight garments can irritate the area and trap bacteria. Protect the piercing. Use a protective bandagewhen you exercise, and clean up the area afterward to avoid irritation or infection.

How do I protect my belly button piercing from water?

Even if you’ve had your belly button piercing for six months, and it appears healed, it’s still a good idea to keep your piercing as dry as possible. When you go swimming, a good solution is to cover your piercing with a waterproof bandage to reduce the chance of irritation and excess moisture.

Can I get my new belly button piercing wet?

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You should avoid swimming for at least 24 hours after having a piercing, and ideally until it has healed properly. While it’s still healing, it’s important to keep the piercing dry as there’s a risk of infection.

Can you put a waterproof bandage on a piercing?

Avoid submerging the piercing in unhygenic bodies of water such as lakes, pools, hot tubs, etc. Or, protect your piercing using a waterproof wound-sealant bandage (such as 3M™ Nexcare™ Clean Seals). These are available at most drugstores.

How much does a belly piercing hurt?

Belly button piercing pain level You may feel a lot of pressure when the needle goes through because the tissue is hard to poke through, but the pain goes away quickly. They take several months to 1 year to heal.

How long does it take for a belly button piercing to heal before changing it?

Unlike pierced ears, which take 4-6 weeks to heal, your belly button may not fully heal for up to 1 year. You’ll go home with tips on how to keep your new piercing clean and prevent infection.

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Can I put a bandaid over a piercing?

Prior to applying any bandage over the piercing, clean off the area surrounding the piercing using a gauze pad and distilled water. (Take care to avoid the wound). If it gets WET, rinse with clean water and blot dry with sterile gauze or tissue. Avoid getting the piercing wet or dirty for faster, easier healing.

How do you know if your belly button piercing is healing?

Pain and swelling right after a piercing are common. It is important to monitor how symptoms change. If symptoms, such as pain, steadily improve, the piercing is probably healing normally. If a person suddenly experiences new symptoms, especially after a period of few or no symptoms, this can signal an infection.

How do you cover a belly button piercing for swimming?

How to cover ear piercing for swimming can be done by wearing a wound sealing waterproof bandage over the piercing. You need to cover the piercing area completely and make sure the bandage is secure. How long does it take for belly button piercing to heal?

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Does your belly button piercing have an infection?

The belly button piercing gives you a chance to don magnificent jewelry. When well taken care of, the piercing heals off without issues. However, this is not always the case. At times infections will occur. We look at belly button piercing aftercare and how to deal with any infections that may arise.

Can I go swimming with a piercings?

Absolutely do not go swimming in the first month. You shouldn’t even be taking baths in this early stage of healing. Any time you swim while you have the piercing before it is fully healed, you should use a waterproof bandage (tegaderm bandages highly recommended).

How long does it take for a belly button piercing to heal?

A belly button or navel piercing can actually take from six months to a year to heal. Belly button piercing care when swimming is best with the covering of a waterproof bandage to avoid infection.