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What are the challenges to our cultural practices in the name of secularism Quora?

What are the challenges to our cultural practices in the name of secularism Quora?

Prohibiting inhuman, self-harming, contextually irrelavant, orthodox practices, e.g. Santhara, Self-flagellation, Genital mutilation, animal sacrifice etc.

  • Preserving distinctiveness and uniqueness of culture, e.g. Uniform Civil Code may impose majoritarian values on other cultural and religious groups.
  • What is the purpose of cultural practices?

    In addition to its intrinsic value, culture provides important social and economic benefits. With improved learning and health, increased tolerance, and opportunities to come together with others, culture enhances our quality of life and increases overall well-being for both individuals and communities.

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    What are some of the beliefs of secularism?

    At its most basic level secularism simply entails a normative commitment to neutrality on the part of the state toward religious affairs, necessitating that the state should neither favor, disfavor, promote, nor discourage any particular religious (or nonreligious) belief and viewpoint over another.

    What are the challenges to our cultural practices?

    Answer Writing

    • Stopping of festival practices. Many secular forces have been trying to undermine religious practices especially festive ones citing it to be against secular spirit of India.
    • Hinderance in mode of worshiping.
    • Effects on food culture.
    • Effects on family values.

    What are socio cultural practices?

    Socio-cultural practices are the distinctive, spiritual, material, intellectual and emotional features that characterize a society or a social group. Among these factors, is how to deal with the traditional values and socio-cultural environment within which (HR) specialists find themselves.

    What are cultural practices?

    Cultural practice is the manifestation of a culture or sub-culture, especially in regard to the traditional and customary practices of a particular ethnic or other cultural group. Cultural practice is also a subject of discussion in questions of cultural survival. …

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    What are the causes and effects of secularization?

    The housing shortage, the multiplicity of the means of transport and communication, the economic problems, fashion, education, urban, political and social structure, influence of western culture on urban life, individualism all these factors have secularized the urban outlook.

    What are the challenges faced by the secular forces in India?

    Stopping of festival practices: Many secular forces have been trying to undermine religious practices especially festive ones citing it to be against the secular spirit of India. Due to such forces, ancient festivities that hold great cultural significance are slowly being eroded. Ex: Worshipping of animals and plants are considered offensive. 2.

    Is secularism an excuse for challenging cultural practices?

    This question, in an exam that looks for the future administrators of India, seemed to insinuate that secularism was an excuse which is posing challenges to the country’s existing cultural practices.

    What are the challenges faced by Indian culture in modern India?

    1. Stopping of festival practices: Many secular forces have been trying to undermine religious practices especially festive ones citing it to be against the secular spirit of India. Due to such forces, ancient festivities that hold great cultural significance are slowly being eroded.

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    Are festive practices against secular spirit of India?

    One who follow the concept of secularism think that festive practices are medieval and backward. That is why many secular forces have been trying to undermine religious practices especially festive ones citing it to be against secular spirit of India.