
Is architecture an enjoyable job?

Is architecture an enjoyable job?

If you like to find aesthetically pleasing and functional solutions to various different issues, then architecture could be the career for you! As an architect, seeing your creativity and vision take shape in a tangible building can be incredibly rewarding.

Are architects useless?

According to their statistics, architecture majors ranked number five overall, but were the worst off when it came to employment, with a 13.9-percent unemployment rate for recent graduates and a 9.2-percent unemployment rate for experienced graduates.

Is architecture a good career choice?

Perhaps there are fewer choices in life bigger than selecting a career. Regardless of your career choice it takes years of focus, study and experience to become proficient, architecture is no exception. The first step in becoming an architect, using the traditional route, is selecting an architecture school.

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What do you call someone who works as an architect?

After college can call yourself a: Designer, Architectural (fill in the blank), anything flies, as long as it is not “Architect”. Architectural staff may practice architecture under the supervision of a licensed Architect, who will be the Architect of record.

Is it better to work outside as an architect?

Sure working outside has its perks, however, on a freezing cold, rainy day you will be glad you don’t have to endure working outside. Many people don’t have the luxury of a climate controlled, comfortable workspace, but as an architect this is expected.

Can I practice architecture as an archarchitect?

Architectural staff may practice architecture under the supervision of a licensed Architect, who will be the Architect of record. If you solicit design services that fall into the realm of architecture, or if you identify yourself an Architect, you could potentially be punished by your state’s board.