Tips and tricks

How the Greeks were able to defeat the Persians in the Greco Persian Wars?

How the Greeks were able to defeat the Persians in the Greco Persian Wars?

The Greeks simply wouldn’t accept the idea of being invaded by another country and they fought until they won. Another factor was that by uniting the city-states, particularly the Spartans and Athenians, it created a skilled, well balanced army that was able to defeat the Persians despite their numbers.

How did Greece conquer Persia?

The Battle of Issus, in which Alexander the Great secured a decisive victory over Darius III of Persia.

How did the Greco Persian war end?

In 449 bce the Peace of Callias finally ended the hostilities between Athens and its allies and Persia. In exchange for peace, Artaxerxes I of Persia recognized the liberty of the Greek states in Europe and Asia and vowed to keep the Persian fleet out of the Aegean.

Why did the Persians not conquer Greece?

The Persians had an immense number of mouths to feed and an immensely long supply line. They could keep a giant army in Greece for only a few months, and once they reduced it to something approximating what the Greeks could field, the Greeks had all the advantages.

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Why did the Greek empire fall?

decline of Rome Constant war divided the Greek city-states into shifting alliances; it was also very costly to all the citizens. Eventually the Empire became a dictatorship and the people were less involved in government. There was increasing tension and conflict between the ruling aristocracy and the poorer classes.

How did the Greeks finally win the Persian Wars?

The Persian Empire was bigger, richer, and had more manpower, yet the Greeks were able to unite successfully to defeat them. The Greeks did, however, have several advantages which enabled them to be victorious. The Greeks defeated the Persians because of three benefits: the phalanx, the trireme, and their motivation.

What did the Greeks do to fight the Persians?

The Greeks put together a small force, led by the Spartan King Leonidas I and 300 Spartans. They decided to meet the Persians at a narrow pass in the mountains called Thermopylae. The Greeks held off the Persians killing thousands , until the Persians found a way around the mountains and got behind the Greeks.

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How did Greeks make their gods?

The Greeks created gods like Athena, Ares, Hades, Poseidon and Hera to explain the world around them. They relied on the gods to explain natural phenomenon, provide authority to the ruling class and entertain the masses. Most city-states had at least one particular god they honored.

Did the Greeks destroy the Persian Empire?

The Greek-Macedonian ruler Alexander the Great destroyed the Persian Empire , thereby gaining control over Judea. After the death of Alexander his Hellenistic (Greek) Empire was divided into three parts, and the Jews got squeezed between the competing Greek rulers.