
Does Socrates believe a good person Cannot be harmed?

Does Socrates believe a good person Cannot be harmed?

o A good person cannot be harmed by others. The soul/psyche is the essence of humanness, the capacity to reason and reflect. Socrates believes everyone has a soul from above that drops into a body when born then when dead, goes back up only to drop into another body. The harm done on the soul comes from yourself.

Why does Socrates think that a good man Cannot be harmed in life or death?

Socrates said, “…that a good man cannot be harmed either in life or in death” (41d). To explain that, Socrates is saying that one should not fear death if they are a “good” person because they will not be harmed; the person will live the good life of happiness and they will be rewarded by the gods after death.

What did Socrates say about a good man?

Socrates Quotes No evil can happen to a good man, either in life or after death. He and his are not neglected by the gods.

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Can a just person be harmed?

As it is never the function of heat to cool things, so we must recognize that it is never the function of a just man to harm someone. Thus it cannot possibly be the proper function of a just man to harm his enemies. So Simonides could never have said that it is just to help your friends and harm your enemies, could he!

What was Socrates teaching method?

Developed by the Greek philosopher, Socrates, the Socratic Method is a dialogue between teacher and students, instigated by the continual probing questions of the teacher, in a concerted effort to explore the underlying beliefs that shape the students views and opinions.

Which of the following is the main concern of Socrates in his Socratic method?

As Socrates says often in Plato’s dialogues, he is primarily concerned with how one ought to live.

Why Was Socrates a good man?

He is absolutely confident, for example, that virtue is the most precious of all goods and that the god wishes human beings to eschew their pursuit of worldly ends and to pursue virtue. Because Socrates lacks moral wisdom, however, he does not know how best to achieve that goal.

What does Socrates say is the greatest good?

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Socrates held virtue to be the greatest good in life because it alone was capable of securing ones happiness.

What did Socrates say was the one good the one evil?

Socrates believed that no one does wrong voluntarily. Evil is the result of ignorance. If people knew what was the right thing to do they would do it. The wrong doers think that there is something good in doing the evil act even if it is only good for them.

Can a good man be harmed?

“…a good man cannot be harmed either in life or in death, and that his affairs are not neglected by the gods.”

What Socrates three arguments are in favor of just life over unjust?

Socrates offers three argument in favor of the just life over the unjust life: (i) the just man is wise and good, and the unjust man is ignorant and bad (349b); (ii) injustice produces internal disharmony which prevents effective actions (351b); (iii) virtue is excellence at a thing’s function and the just person lives …

What does Socrates mean when he says a good man cannot be harmed?

I believe that Socrates meant that a good man cannot be hurt because anything that happens happens because the gods intended for it to do so and what is the will of the gods is good so it cannot be qualified as harm or bad. Not only that but a good man cannot be harmed because if he is good and it is impossible to harm someone that is good.

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What is Socrates trying to say in this passage?

Essentially Socrates is arguing in this passage that, as a good man, he will (in modern terms) be taken to heaven when he dies, and all the trials and travails are nothing compared to the joy he expects to gain in the afterlife. Thus to a good man who has faith in the gods, no true harm can come.

Was Socrates the most humble guy who ever lived?

Yeah, Socrates wasn’t the most humble guy who ever lived. by being a good man of good character actions and deeds… even if people were out to persecute the good man….if the good man maintained his truth honesty integrity and character…then the worst that could happen is that he could be put to death..

Why is Socrates considered the best philosopher ever?

There are two reasons why Socrates was the best philosopher ever. One in his discovery of dialogical thought, which has led to a greater understanding of consciousness, and which developed into the conscience: When we are alone we continue to engage in dialogue, we speak with ourselves.