Tips and tricks

Have you consulted a doctor meaning?

Have you consulted a doctor meaning?

verb. If you consult an expert or someone senior to you or consult with them, you ask them for their opinion and advice about what you should do or their permission to do something.

When should you consult a physician?

A cough that lasts more than 2 or 3 weeks. Persistent or severe vomiting. A fever that doesn’t go down or go away. Symptoms that last more than 10 days or get worse instead of better.

Why should you consult a physician?

He can solve any acute problems like cough, cold, fever etc. If he suspects a major illness in you, he will refer you to a specialist. A physician’s primary duty is to take care of the patient. He should see to it that the patient receives all the necessary medical requirements.

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Is it better to say doctor or physician?

Generally, when people say “doctor” they are referring to a physician, which is a doctor who is either an MD or DO. In other words, a physician is a doctor who practices medicine. But anybody with a doctoral degree is technically a doctor.

What is a sentence for consult?

1 If you wish good advice, consult an old man. 2 I have to consult the manager about the matter. 3 I decided to consult a medical dictionary. 4 If the pain continues, consult your doctor.

What is the past perfect of consult?

Past Tense of Consult

Present Tense: Consult
Past Tense: Consulted
Past Participle: Consulted
Present Participle: Consulting

Why do we consult?

The purpose of a consultation is to hear out the person’s needs and help identify a plan of attack for solving their problems and accomplishing their goals.

Who is called physician?

A physician is a medical doctor. A physician is appointed by the medical director of a life or health insurer to examine applicants.

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Is a physician a specialist?

Physicians are sometimes referred to as specialists, specialist physicians or consultant physicians. Physicians and paediatricians work in hospitals, private practices and community medical centres and may also focus on research or medical administration.

What is mean by consulted?

: to go to (someone, such as a doctor or lawyer) for advice : to ask for the professional opinion of (someone) : to talk about something with (someone) in order to make a decision.

Do patients need to have consultations with doctors?

Patients need to have consultations with doctors. In this example, consultations is used as a noun. Patients need to consult an appointment with doctors. is incorrect because you can’t consult (discuss information or advice) with an appointment, which is the object in this sentence.

What does it mean to consult a consultant physician?

Consulting physician means a doc- tor or physician who examines a worker or the worker’s medical record to advise the attending physician or nurse practitioner au- thorized to provide compensable medical ser- vices under ORS 656.245 regarding treatment of a worker’s compensable injury.

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How do you use consult in a sentence?

You may be able to shorten it slightly, since “have a consultation with” is synonymous with “consult”, you could say “Patients need to consult a doctor”. Singular “a doctor” probably works better here, but it depends on context, and consider whether “need” or “should” is more appropriate.

Why do attorneys hire physician consultants?

Attorneys often hire physician consultants, and there are a few main reasons why. Physicians are often called upon to provide expert witness testimony in malpractice cases. When the science behind a case is complex and hard to understand, attorneys rely on doctors to inform the jury of the circumstances.