Tips and tricks

Should I say I have completed or I completed?

Should I say I have completed or I completed?

I completed = Simple past tense, where the action is over. I have completed = Present perfect; the speaker is speaking now (in the present tense), but the action has been completed , it is over, finished!

Have completed or had completed graduation?

1 Answer. I have completed graduation in 2008 is wrong. You can’t use present perfect with specific time expressions, and “in 2008” is specific. As @FumbleFingers says, graduated is a much better term here.

What is correct Bachelor’s or bachelors?

The short answer is that bachelor’s degree—with an apostrophe—is correct. The reason for this is simple: In former times, a bachelor’s degree was a degree awarded to a bachelor.

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Has completed or has been completed?

“Work has been completed” is the right one. Its Past perfect because the work is done and dusted. It cant be “work has completed”. It’s like saying that the work itself has completed/accomplished the job.

How do you write bachelor’s degree on a resume?

It’s advisable to put the full name of your degree on a resume, but if you’re economizing on space, you can use an abbreviation instead. Bachelors degrees on a resume are commonly abbreviated to: BA (Bachelor of Arts) BS (Bachelor of Science)

Is it bachelors or bachelor’s on resume?

When referring to a bachelor’s or master’s degree, there are two correct ways to write it. If you’re referring to a general degree, lowercase the name and use an apostrophe. When referencing the specific area of your degree, capitalize the name of the degree and don’t use an apostrophe.

How many college credits do I need to get a bachelor degree?

The simple answer: you need complete 120 college credits to earn a bachelor’s degree. This is equal to approximately 40 classes (3 credits per class). Most colleges expect you to earn this degree in 4 years.

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Do I need an associate to get a Bachelor?

An associate’s degree is not a prerequisite to earn a bachelor’s degree, you can skip an associate’s degree and go straight to a bachelor’s degree. However, one option you may want to consider is earning your associate’s degree at a community college prior to transferring to a four-year university.

How do I obtain my bachelors degree?

To earn a bachelor’s degree from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, you must complete one of the following UI residence options: Earn your final 30 s.h. in residence credit, or. Earn 45 of your final 60 s.h. in residence credit, or. Earn an overall total of 90 s.h. in residence credit.

How do you get your bachelors degree?

Enroll in accelerated online courses (6-week or 8-week online classes)

  • Get credit for your experience (some colleges offer up to 1 year of college credit!)
  • Test out of college courses