
How does Doctor Strange come back to life?

How does Doctor Strange come back to life?

Strange returned to life when Hulk reversed the Snap, so was able to direct the final events of his plan with one hand (while holding back an onrushing wall of water with the other), delaying Iron Man until the exact moment that he could steal back the Infinity Stones and destroy Thanos.

Does Dr Strange survive Infinity War?

Doctor strange did die in Infinity war. See: Unless you mean like, death death. Becasue in that case he might be in a comatose state or in another dimension.

Does Dr Strange stay dead?

Spoilers ahead for The Death of Doctor Strange #1. Doctor Strange is alive. There’s no resurrection involved in this sleight of hand; it’s a well-used mythological and comic book cliche that goes back centuries.

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What is Doctor Strange’s plan from Infinity War?

Avengers: Endgame explains Doctor Strange’s plan from Avengers: Infinity War. The only reassurance from the enormously downbeat ending to Avengers: Infinity War of Thanos completing his mission was Doctor Strange telling Tony Stark that him giving up the Time Stone was the only way to possibly defeat the Mad Titan.

How many possible futures did Doctor Strange see?

Doctor Strange had to live through and die at the end of all 14,000,605 possible futures in Avengers: Infinity War to find the one where they won. Doctor Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) saw 14,000,605 possible outcomes in Avengers: Infinity War, and he had to live through and die in each one.

What is Doctor Strange’s plan to defeat Thanos?

They suggest that Doctor Strange’s plan hinges on a specific combination of heroes surviving both their battle with Thanos and the subsequent snap. As he points out, during Avengers: Infinity War one group of heroes did come within a hair’s breadth of beating him, so it’s not too much of a stretch to suggest another combination could pull it off.

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How many shots does Doctor Strange need to save the universe?

This is clearly intended to signpost just how remote the odds really are of saving the universe, and at the end of the film – even as he crumbled to dust – Strange told Tony Stark there was no other way. He had deliberately guided history down this one in 14,000,605 shot, albeit at a terrible cost.