
How do you respond when your ex asks how are you?

How do you respond when your ex asks how are you?

“Hey, it’s nice to hear from you. I’m still working through things for myself and need some more time. I’ll message you soon. Hope you’re doing okay.”

What does it mean if your ex asks about you?

It’s very possible that they’re only asking about you because they want to know how you’re doing. You once played an important role in their life, so it’s only natural that they want to check in and make sure you’re doing okay. They respect your space so they don’t want to reach out to you directly.

Is it a big deal if your ex asks if you’re dating?

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It wouldn’t be a big deal if the ex ask if you’re dating someone. It could be apart of regular conversation since you’re speaking to one another. That would be apart of what you’re up to lately. If you only speak to your ex when you see them in person that wouldn’t be a big deal either if your cordial and just catching up.

Do I have to respond to my ex-boyfriend’s texts?

You’re not obligated to respond if you’re not ready to initiate contact yet or you don’t want to go down the same road (and mess) again with your ex. But I would respond and here’s why.

Is it okay to be friends with your ex boyfriend?

There’s nothing wrong with being friends with your ex if it works out for both of you. It’s hard but not impossible. If your reply is along the lines of “what do you want” or “go to hell,” then you’re not in the right mindset for anything. If you’re looking for sympathy, there’s no need to reflect that in your text message.

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What does it mean when your ex-girlfriend keeps contacting you?

Your ex-girlfriend is reaching out to ask about your dating life, because she wants to keep you as a backup /get back together with you. Your ex-girlfriend is reaching out because she wants validation. Your ex-girlfriend is reaching out for a specific purpose (you have something of hers, usually) That’s it.