Why would you want to move to London?

Why would you want to move to London?

If culture, an exciting social scene and access to more jobs is what you’re looking for, London might be a perfect place for you to live. If you’re looking for excitement, fun and opportunities to further your career, make new friends and try something new, moving to London could be well worth it.

Why does everyone want to move to the UK?

Economic and labour market factors are a major driver of international migration and work is currently the main reason for migration to the UK. Language, study opportunities, and established networks are all factors that encourage people to migrate to the UK.

What attracts people to live in the UK?


  • Culture. The UK is bursting with art and culture!
  • Multicultural. The UK is truly multicultural, welcoming people from all over the world and embracing diversity.
  • Healthcare.
  • Education.
  • Natural world of beauty.
  • Finding a job.
  • Location.
  • The people.
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What are the benefits of London?

8 great benefits of moving to London.

  • Plenty of Employment Opportunities.
  • Stunning Sights, Architecture, and History.
  • You are at the Center of UK Life and can never get bored.
  • Great Housing.
  • The European Transport Hub.
  • Cost of living is expensive, YES…but wages are higher!
  • Food, food, glorious food.

Where do most people want to live in the UK?

The 10 best places to live in the UK

  • Birmingham. Despite being the UK’s second-largest city, Birmingham – or Brum, as the locals affectionately call it – is not on the radar of many expats moving to the UK.
  • Glasgow.
  • Oxford and the Cotswolds.
  • Brighton.
  • Cardiff.
  • Edinburgh.
  • Reading and the Thames Valley.
  • Manchester.

Is UK good to settle?

The Better Life Index has described the UK as one of the best among developed countries for quality of life. The UK is one of the best places to live and work, or so says the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, who have released a report on how well-being has been affected by the financial crisis.

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Is London nice to live?

London is a great place to work, but it’s also the perfect place to relax with friends. With numerous bars and traditional British pubs to be found on every corner, there’s no shortage of places to socialise. London is one of the top 20 most safe cities to live in.

What do we love about London?

London is as cosmopolitan as it is British with people from around the globe drawn to the city. It’s not just food where London has benefited from diversity – over the years diversity has helped to drive creativity, making the capital an international leader in a variety of fields.

Is it easier to handle moving to London?

But London isn’t precisely easier to handle. Moving to London is actually a huge separate topic and I have written a separate post about how to prepare to move to London and what do you need to do upon arrival (if you’re moving from abroad or equally if you’re moving within the UK).

How to plan your finances when moving to London?

By planning your finances and cutting down the huge cost of renting through options such as a flatshare, you can enjoy a good quality of life in the capital. The top tip is to plan ahead in all aspects, starting before your move to London. Prior to your move, work out your wage to rent ratio if you have a job lined up.

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Is it possible to save money and enjoy living in London?

It is possible to save money and enjoy living in London. By planning your finances and cutting down the huge cost of renting through options such as a flatshare, you can enjoy a good quality of life in the capital. The top tip is to plan ahead in all aspects, starting before your move to London.

How to move to the UK as an American?

From marriage to master’s degrees, Americans moving to London have a few pathways to get here. These are the most common ways to get a UK resident visa as an American: Attend college or university in the UK Get hired and sponsored by a UK company Transfer to a UK office within your current company