
Are UV light vitamin D and folate needs sufficient to explain?

Are UV light vitamin D and folate needs sufficient to explain?

Using the principles of natural selection are all these factors together sufficient to explain the current world distribution of skin color. yes. darker pigmented skin would protect the folate from the high UV, and synthesize plenty of vitamin D and allow them to successfully reproduce.

Can folate explain the variation and distribution of light and dark skinned individuals around the world explain?

15. Can folate alone explain the variation and distribution of light/dark skinned individuals around the world? No. Higher melanin isn’t ideal for vitamin D production and thermoregulation at higher altitudes.

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What is the relationship between UV light and folate and how does melanin help?

A higher level of melanin allows normal folate synthesis by absorbing the UV radiation, and can allow for normal gestation and fetal development. Essentially, evolution allowed for a feature (darker skin) that would allow healthy and successful reproduction.

Can the effects of UV light on folate explain the full variation?

The greater amount of eumelanin in darker skin protects folate from being broken down by UV radiation and thus increases fitness among populations in high-intensity UV areas. However, it does not explain why there is variation in human skin color.

What is the connection between ultraviolet light and vitamin D production?

Vitamin D is the sunshine vitamin for good reason. During exposure to sunlight, the UV B photons enter the skin and photolyze 7-dehydrocholesterol to previtamin D3 which in turn is isomerized by the body’s temperature to vitamin D3. Most humans have depended on sun for their vitamin D requirement.

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Can the destruction of folate by UV light explain the evolution of light skin?

Can the effects of UV light on folate explain the full variation of human skin color that exists among human populations today? Protection of folate from destruction can explain the selective pressure for the evolution of darker skin. However, it does not explain why there is variation in human skin color.

What is the relationship between folate levels and UV exposure?

Previous observations suggest that ultraviolet (UV) radiation may cause folate deficiency. This is of great importance since folate deficiency is also known to be linked with the development of neural tube defects.

Can the effects of UV light on folate explain the full variation of human skin color that exists among human populations today explain your reasoning?

Which subpopulation is at the greatest risk for vitamin D deficiency?

The subpopulation at the greatest risk for vitamin D deficiency is non-Hispanic black females. The subpopulation at the least risk for vitamin D deficiency is non-Hispanic white males.

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Do you need UV light for vitamin D?

When someone has a vitamin D deficiency, their skin needs UVB light to make the vitamin. However, in most cases, it is better to get vitamin D from food and natural sunlight than to use a sun lamp. Light therapy will not work for everyone.

Does higher UV mean more vitamin D?

It is best to get your sun when the UV index is high, because you need to spend less time in the sun. UVB is the form of ultraviolet light that produces vitamin D in the skin. All UV penetrates water, so swimming won’t reduce the amount of vitamin D you make….Index Exposure.

1-2 Low
6-7 High
8-10 Very high
11 Extreme

Does the melanin absorb reflect or transmit UV light?

Melanin, the pigment responsible for darkening skin, is believed to protect skin cells from damage caused by ultraviolet radiation in sunlight by absorbing the radiation.