
Can you have no native language?

Can you have no native language?

Native language or mother tongue is the language spoken by your mother and family in which you were born. NATIVE means “of birth”. So unless your family of birth did not speak any language, you should have a “native language” .

What do you call people who English is not their first language?

ESL. Non-native English speaker. Limited English proficient. These may be some of the terms that come to mind when you’re trying to describe students whose first language isn’t English.

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What is another word for native language?

mother tongue

  • first language.
  • natal tongue.
  • native speech.
  • native tongue.
  • parent language.
  • vernacular.

What do you call a person who can’t speak a language?

The technical term for the medical condition is, I believe, aphasia (adjective aphasic); in everyday language I think we’d say someone had lost the ability to speak. “Speech-impaired” would work.

What is the opposite of native speaker?

Antonym of native speaker: someone who has another native tongue than the language being used.

Is it politically correct to say native language?

I don’t think it’s likely to be offensive in most contexts to most speakers, but it does have that potential, and that’s another reason to avoid it. I recommend always using the phrase native speaker, and if you want to specify what language, writing out native speaker of English.

How do you describe not being able to talk?

Unsociable, Silent, Withdrawn, Standoffish, Reclusive, Uncommunicative, Backward, and Introverted. Also, you might consult a thesaurus and enter some of these and other words, one at a time, until you find a word that suits your preference.

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What is another word for non native?

What is another word for non-native?

non-local alien
outsider foreigner
newcomer immigrant
settler refugee
foreign national emigrant

Why don’t people speak English in other countries?

People who live in France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Sweden, Japan, Mexico, Cuba and other countries around the world can be highly educated and yet not speak English because they have no interest in English-speaking people or cultures. They may speak two or three or more languages, but English isn’t one of them, because English doesn’t interest them.

How many countries do not have an official language?

According to Henry Hitchings book Language Wars (2011) there are only eight nations which do not have an official primary language. Pakistan In 2015 Urdu was controversially made the official language Why do these countries choose not to have an official language?

What do you call a person who can speak multiple languages?

I’d use a word I just coined, ‘xenoglot.’ As a cognate from ‘polyglot’ (speaker of many languages), and ‘monoglot’ (speaker of a single language), ‘xenoglot’ would mean ‘speaker of a foreign language,’ and what ‘foreign’ meant would vary depending on the country.

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Why is there no one linguistic community privileged status in Pakistan?

This may explain why the three neighbouring African countries: Ethiopia, Somalia & Eritrea have avoided giving one linguistic community privileged status. Pakistan is a nation essentially created on religious grounds. It also contains a number of competing communities.