
Why is it hard to stay off drugs?

Why is it hard to stay off drugs?

When the dopamine system is damaged in that part of the brain, it makes it much harder to think through consequences and make considered decisions, so drug use becomes more automated. When dopamine is depleted from chronic use, a person might feel really flat for months, even when they stop using.

How do you stay sober longer?

Here are some tips to help you enjoy a few drinks without giving in to pressure to get completely wasted.

  1. Set your limits.
  2. Avoid drinking too quickly.
  3. Try saying no.
  4. Avoid drinking rounds and shots.
  5. Water and food are your friends.
  6. Focus on other things.
  7. Have a plan B.
  8. Have a good time.

What is the hardest part about being sober?

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That’s not to say it’s impossible or that you shouldn’t try this way of life, but just like in life, there are good days and bad. These are the hardest parts about being sober. 1. Setting boundaries

What does it feel like to be sober?

Mostly being sober is nothing short of amazing, but it’s not always easy. It’s a constant process of self-growth and discovery. I’ve had to revaluate my entire way of living and coping and sometimes it’s hard.

Is it normal to have anxiety and fear during sobriety?

For the most part, a significant increase in fear and anxiety is normal in early sobriety, and not an indication that something else is wrong. Once I learned how to actually be sober and feel my feelings, the intensity lessened and became much more manageable.

How do you cope with not drinking alcohol in recovery?

Not drinking was about all I could handle in early recovery, but the day came when I had to get a job and reenter the human race without anyone knowing I was in the fight of my life. The only place I felt (and still do feel) solace was in a room full of alcoholics and addicts. Rely on your sober network! Spend as much time with them as possible.