
What should I do if my girlfriend is gaining weight?

What should I do if my girlfriend is gaining weight?

Regarding your girlfriend’s weight gain, it’s worth having a conversation with her about it – one that focuses on her feelings, not yours. Trust me, she knows she has put on weight. But a sudden increase in weight could by a side-effect of a few things, including illness, medication, stress or depression, etc.

Why can’t I feel attracted to my partner anymore?

Or you’ll go through periods of illness, stress, grief, and a myriad of other reasons that will mean at certain points in your life, you won’t feel sexually engaged or you may not be at your most attractive. It’s at these points, that genuinely liking your partner as a person, not just a body, is going to see you through.

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What happens when your partner gains weight and changes appearance?

When a partner gains weight or otherwise changes appearance to the point where the spark of attraction is diminished, it would be a loving gesture to do something to help them get back on track. Weight gain often negatively affects a person’s personal body image, which in turn can impact their own sexual desire.

How does weight gain affect your sex life?

Weight gain often negatively affects a person’s personal body image, which in turn can impact their own sexual desire. Of course, it must be handled with great delicacy, but there’s nothing wrong with gently acknowledging the obvious and offering to help. But, first, it is most important to understand the reason for the weight gain.

Do you feel disgusted by Your Girlfriend’s weight?

Worse, sometimes you feel disgusted or even repelled by your girlfriend’s weight. These tips are inspired by a guy whose friends tease him because of his “fat girlfriend.” “My girlfriend is very interesting and funny, and I think I love her,” says Sam on 10 Conversation Starters to Help You Talk to Your Girlfriend.

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Is your overweight girlfriend or wife struggling with her weight?

Overweight girlfriends and wives – as well as boyfriends and husbands – aren’t just struggling with their weight, size, and shape. They’re dealing with body image issues, emotional health problems, and even spiritual struggles. Here’s another guy with the same question:

Are you not attracted to a fat girlfriend?

You’re not attracted to women who are plump, overweight, or even obese. Worse, sometimes you feel disgusted or even repelled by your girlfriend’s weight. These tips are inspired by a guy whose friends tease him because of his “fat girlfriend.”