
Why is Krishna so important in Mahabharata?

Why is Krishna so important in Mahabharata?

In the Mahabharata, there is no mention of this and Krishna is shown as a Yogeshwar who had won all his senses. It can be inferred that these stories are a later addendum and has been told by the composers of Puranas in the 1600 CE to empower wrongdoings.

What is the purpose of Krishna speaking to Arjuna?

Krishna speaks to Arjuna to convince him, and it is because of Arjuna’s question to Krishna that the Lord gives him His advice in the form of the Bhagavad Gita, which is advice not just for Arjuna, but for all humanity.

Which is the message of Lord Krishna to Arjuna during the Mahabharata war?

Lord Krishna Reminds Arjuna Of His Duty As A Warrior If you will not fight this righteous war, then you will fail in your duty, lose your reputation, and incur sin. People will talk about your disgrace forever. To the honored, dishonor is worse than death.

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How Lord Krishna related to Pandavas?

Krishna and the Pandavas are first cousins. Kunti, the mother of the Pandavas, is the paternal aunt of Krishna. Which is to say, Kunti is the sister of Krishna’s father, Vasudeva.

Why Krishna had to preach Bhagavad Gita to clear the confusion of Arjuna?

(3) Another reason is that Krishna chose to act as a driver for the rath (car) of Arjuna. So, when Arjuna was caught in confusion on seeing his kith and kins in the battle field, Krishna had to preach Bhagavad Gita to clear the confusions of Arjuna. Because, throughout the battle, Krishna was with Arjuna.

How was Arjuna able to do what he did?

Arjuna was gifted with concentration abilities (e.g. aiming bird’s/fish’s eye or his understanding of other martial arts). Whatever Krishna told as Gita, he was able to grasp with similar swiftness based on his then knowledge of society & scriptures.

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How many Shlokas did Krishna recite to Arjuna in Mahabharata?

There are multiple factors to consider, before arriving into conclusion that, krishna recited 650/700 shlokas to arjuna. Bhagavadgita which is part of mahabharata, was initially written as Jaya which had only 8000 shlokas. Since original one is no longer available, we are not sure how many shlokas in the original was written on bhagavadgita.

Why did Kauravas wait for Arjuna to come back?

The war was offered by PAndavas & they relied mainly on Arjuna’s ability. Since Arjuna was on the middle of the battlefield, they have to simply wait until he comes back. Kauravas might be thinking that after seeing their vast army from close, Arjuna is fearing and arguing with Krishna to back off.