
Is nihilism a stoic?

Is nihilism a stoic?

Nihilism is considered to be much newer than Stoicism because it was invented in the modern-day. Nihilism describes a world view that isn’t concerned with moral values or whether or not people’s choices are good or evil.

Is nihilism and Stoicism compatible?

So if you see it like that, Nietzsche-like nihilism and Stoicism are not totally incompatible, in my opinion. Stoicism is all about virtue, but the word means something different than many people would expect.

What is the stoic motto?

I can always improve
Motto 1: “I can always improve.” There might be times when you are haunted by mistakes from your past, and you mistakenly equate yourself with your mistakes. It sounds corny, but every day that you wake up is an opportunity to change. And the ability to make these changes starts with a single decision.

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What is the opposite of a stoic personality?

Opposite of not easily upset or excited. excitable. agitated. frantic.

Is stoicism compatible with nihilism?

So in short: traditional Stoicism is incompatible and therefore distant from nihilism; Stoicism derived from ideal nature is compatible and can be close to nihilism; Stoicism derived from practicality is compatible and can be close to nihilism (and, if you’ve deriving your ethics from practicality alone, probably is).

How do you end up with Stoic ethics?

There are several ways to end up with Stoic ethics, of varying compatibility or closeness with nihilism. (Stoic physics, which assume divinity, contradict existential nihilism). Traditional Stoicism (as its modern practitioners call it) is derived from the idea of a universal, providential Reason—the Logos.

What is nihilism and why is it bad?

Nihilism: there is no real meaning or value to human nature or anything else. Value (or “value,” in scare quotes) is constructed by us from a tabula rasa. Quote unquote “bad” things happen, but what is “bad” anyway?

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What is the difference between nihilism and pessimism?

Nihilism and Stoicism have little to no overlap—the ancient Stoics spoke forcefully against nihilistic arguments in their day. Pessimism: another broad term that generally indicates any attempt to disabuse ourselves of irrational, idealistic notions or false hopes.