
What does it mean for a theory to be internally inconsistent?

What does it mean for a theory to be internally inconsistent?

The Inconsistency of Science
If a theory is internally inconsistent, after all, then anything follows from it. If anything follows from it then it wouldn’t matter what experimental results we get, the theory would not be falsified.

What is the difference between internal and external consistency philosophy?

2) But once we decide that the form of an argument is internally consistent, that it does not contradict itself or make unwarranted inferences, then we can turn our attention to the truth of the evidence used in the argument. EXTERNAL CONSISTENCY relates to what you and your audience agree is true of the real world.

What are the different types of philosophical theories?

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THREE MAJOR AREAS OF PHILOSOPHY. Theory of Reality : Ontology & Metaphysics. Theory of Knowledge: Epistemology–from episteme and logos. Theory of Value: Axiology–from the Greek axios (worth, value) and logos.

What is internal consistency economics?

Abstract: Internal consistency of choice has been a central concept in economics, decision theory, and social choice. We cannot determine whether a choice function is consistent without referring to something external to choice (e.g., objectives, values). The standard results have to be reexamined in this light.

What is internal philosophy?

Internalism and externalism are two opposing ways of explaining various subjects in several areas of philosophy. These include human motivation, knowledge, justification, meaning, and truth. Internalism is the thesis that no fact about the world can provide reasons for action independently of desires and beliefs.

What is an example of internal consistency?

For example, if a respondent expressed agreement with the statements “I like to ride bicycles” and “I’ve enjoyed riding bicycles in the past”, and disagreement with the statement “I hate bicycles”, this would be indicative of good internal consistency of the test.

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What are the three 3 major areas of philosophy or 3 philosophical views?

Explain and differentiate three main areas of philosophy: ethics, epistemology and metaphysics. 2. Explain the difference between knowledge and beliefs about the physical world (the realm of science) and knowledge and beliefs about moral issues and metaphysical things such as God, Heaven and Hell, and souls. 3.

What is inconsistency fallacy example?

A person commits the fallacy of inconsistency when he or she makes contradictory claims. Examples: Though basic human liberty is inviolable, a person like Smith has forfeited his right to be a human by committing such a heinous crime. …

What is internal consistency of choice?

Internal consistency of choice has been a central concept in demand theory, social choice theory, decision theory, behavioral economics, and related fields. This drops the need to impose any condition of internal consistency of social choice, or any internal notion of “social rationality.”

Is it possible for a theory to be internally inconsistent?

And yes, a theory can be internally or externally inconsistent. By “internally inconsistent”, we meant that we can obtain a contradiction from the premisses of the theory. Very few good philosophical theories will be internally inconsistent.

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What is internalism about reasons theory?

This idea is variously known as ‘reasons internalism’, ‘internalism about reasons’, or ‘the internal reasons theory’. According to other philosophers, not all reasons are related to motivation in any of the ways internalists say. This idea is known as ‘reasons externalism’ or ‘externalism about reasons’.

What is the difference between logical consistency and internal inconsistency?

Logical consistency might be about completeness or reasonableness, for example, whereas ethics might be internally inconsistent when it fails external criteria. External inconsistency is generally failure in the real world. For example, the theory that all swans are white was famously disproved by discovering black swans in Australia.

What is external inconsistency?

External inconsistency occurs when you add, usually what you think is a common sense premise or fact, to the premises of the theory. You might have a cynical view of human nature, for example.