
What does it mean when someone has metal?

What does it mean when someone has metal?

Having the mettle to do something means you have guts. In short, you’re a pretty impressive person. Metal and mettle were once used interchangeably meaning a solid material like gold and the “stuff a person is made of” — until everyone got confused and the words went their separate ways.

What does proved their mettle mean?

Definition of prove one’s mettle : to prove how tough one is He proved his mettle as a fighter tonight.

What does a man of mettle mean?

noun. courage and fortitude: a man of mettle. disposition or temperament: a man of fine mettle.

Where did the phrase test your metal come from?

Usually associated with strength or courage, to test your mettle is to demonstrate resolve and determination; to be tenacious. Hardly surprising then that today, it’s a phrase mostly heard in sporting circles, or read in news headlines to describe athletic grit. The phrase first appears in 17th century texts.

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What does show your metal mean?

Definition of show one’s mettle : to show how tough one is He showed his mettle as a fighter tonight.

How do you prove your mettle?

prove (one’s) mettle To prove that one has endurance and strength of character, or the necessary skills, abilities, or traits to succeed in something. You may be the youngest lawyer in the firm, but you certainly proved your mettle in that high-profile murder case.

What does close to Metal (CTM) mean?

Definition – What does Close To Metal (CTM) mean? Close to Metal (CTM) is an application programming interface (API) that is designed to expose developers with the underlying parallel processing architecture of graphics hardware.

What does “that’s metal” mean?

The Brief: The phrase “metal” or “that’s metal” means that something is hardcore, much like metal music. DEEP DIVE Variations of “that’s metal” include “that’s so metal,” “now that’s metal,” “that’s metal AF

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What does the idiom put the pedal to the metal mean?

Pedal in this idiom refers to the flat bar in a car that you press with your foot in order to make the car move more quickly (= the accelerator/gas pedal). The metal is the floor of the car. put the pedal to the metal. tv. to press a car’s accelerator to the floor; to floor it.