
Is getting a boob job wrong?

Is getting a boob job wrong?

Decades of research suggest that breast augmentation is safe when performed and maintained as recommended. But the tens of thousands of women who attribute their health problems to their breast implants still suggest that significant problems can occur with how the procedure is recommended, performed, and maintained.

What is considered a small breast implant size?

The smallest implants that are available start at 125cc (which is great for correcting asymmetry), and then they go all the way up to the 1200cc range. Most women, though, tend to choose implants in the 150cc to 650cc range.

Should I tell my boyfriend Im getting plastic surgery?

If you are comfortable talking about the procedure, even the more intimate procedures, with your partner, your friends, and/or your family members, then perhaps you should go ahead and tell them. They can often provide a wealth of support and encouragement through your plastic surgery journey.

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Is breast surgery scary?

Risks Are Rare Complications or risks of any kind are incredibly rare in breast augmentation. The procedure is very common, and most plastic surgeons have years of experience with this procedure. It’s estimated that the risk of suffering from a complication such as bleeding or infection is around 2\%.

Do you lose weight after having breast implants removed?

Yes, you will probably lose some weight after this procedure because you are removing fat from your body. The amount of weight you’ll lose depends on how much tissue you remove with surgery. However, you shouldn’t expect your operation to tip the scales.

How do you tell someone they have a boob job?

Let your parents know that you have been researching on the procedure and you are thinking of having the procedure. Explain how the procedure will be beneficial to you while emphasizing that you have done the research, you are aware of the process involved and that you are ready to proceed with it.

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Can you use sick leave for boob job?

The answer to using sick leave for cosmetic surgery or plastic surgery is that Sick Leave policies vary from company to company. Typically, sick leave applies to necessary medical procedures rather than elective ones, but check your company’s sick leave policy or speak to your manager.