Should you stay home or go out this weekend?

Should you stay home or go out this weekend?

Sometimes staying in is the best option. Here are 8 great reasons you can use to prove to your friends why you should stay home this weekend: 1. You Can Be 100\% Yourself You don’t have to worry about impressing anyone, or plastering a fake smile on your face.

Why should you avoid meeting people outside the House?

When you are outside the house, the possibility of meeting someone like this is always there. Sometimes you feel bad for refusing their offer. At least, when you stay at home, the potential to meet with somebody you avoid can be reduced. 8. Because I rarely hang out, people thought I do not have many friends

Do you understand the benefits of staying at home?

Some people understand the benefits of staying at home, and others simply do not. We all have that one friend who puts the pressure on us to go out whenever we have free time. They just don’t get how staying at home could possibly be better than going out.

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Is it better to stay at home to make friends?

At least, when you stay at home, the potential to meet with somebody you avoid can be reduced. 8. Because I rarely hang out, people thought I do not have many friends But, I never mind if someone says that, I prefer quality over quantity friends.

How did I become motivated to live in the present?

I became motivated to live in the present and not dwell on what once was by designing a new plan for this stage of my life. This is what my plan became. I emotionally and physically felt the need to find a new purpose in life. I wanted to feel passionate about a project, a project that was mine.

Why do we live in the past?

The reason you might live in the past is very simple: You are lost. You are lacking motivation. You don’t know how to make daily goals or even dreams. So, you revert to your memories and tell stories about what was. Or, you sit and daydream about this, that and the other.