
Which is easy B Pharma or BSC?

Which is easy B Pharma or BSC?

both are equivalent courses and degree courses. As you have done D pharma I will suggest you do B Pharma as there are good chances of the jobs in private sectors. If you want to go into government sector then I will suggest you do B.Sc. nursing which is a very good job oriented course and very demanding course.

What is the salary for BSc Microbiology?

Career Scope of Microbiologist – Salary, Eligibility, Skills Required

Average Salary Annual Pay Package
Average Salary As a Fresher Microbiologist Rs 3 Lakh p.a
Average Salary With 5-6 Years of Experience as Microbiologist Rs 10 Lakh p.a
Average Salary As a Senior Microbiologist / Research Scientist Rs 20 Lakh p.a

What is the scope of BSc life science?

Bachelor of Science in Life Science or B Sc Life Science is a three year undergraduate degree course in India. This course mainly focuses on studying of various life processes. B.Sc. Life Sciences also helps students to learn about plants and animals.

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What are the options available after BSC science?

After the completion of the B.Sc degree there are various options available for the science students, they can go for master degree in Science i.e. M.Sc, go in a research area and can even look for professional job oriented courses.

What is integrated MSc Bioanalytical Sciences?

Integrated M.Sc (B.Sc + M.Sc) in Bioanalytical Sciences is a full-time five-years course and its offered by University of Mumbai, Mumbai. Want to know more about this course?

What is the duration of a BSc degree?

Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) or B.S. is one of the most popular academic degree courses among the science students after class 12th. The duration of B.Sc. degree course ranges from 3 years to 5 years, depending upon the country in which you are studying for eg.