
Did Steve Jobs read a lot of books?

Did Steve Jobs read a lot of books?

In late 1972, Jobs had just started at Reed College, an elite liberal arts school in Portland, Oregon. He started doing lots of LSD and reading lots of books about spirituality. “Be Here Now,” a guide to meditation by Ram Dass, affected Jobs greatly.

Could Steve Jobs read?

“It was profound,” Jobs said. “It transformed me and many of my friends.” The one book that Steve Jobs had downloaded on his iPad was Autobiography of a Yogi, “the guide to meditation and spirituality that he had first read as a teenager,” Isaacson writes, “then re-read in India and had read once a year ever since.”

What book was handed out at Steve Jobs funeral?

Autobiography of a Yogi
One of Steve Jobs’ last gifts was left in a brown box and handed out at his memorial service. Inside the brown box was a copy of “Autobiography of a Yogi” by Hindu guru Paramahansa Yogananda.

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Was Steve Jobs Zen?

Zen Buddhism, and the practice of meditation it encouraged, were shaping Jobs’ understanding of his own mental processes. Jobs felt such resonance with Zen that he considered moving to Japan to deepen his practice. But Otogawa told him he had work to do in California.

What books did Steve Jobs read in high school?

The story portrays how misguided judgments can lead to tragedies. King Lear is fooled by his two hypocritical daughters and makes a mistake by giving them his property. Fogged by illusion, he even missed to see the true love his third daughter had for him. Steve Jobs read this mind-bending story in his high school. 2. Moby Dick by Herman Melville

What are some of Steve Jobs’ favorite poems?

Dylan Thomas considers this collection of poems as a curation of his best work ever. Sadly, he died of swelling in brain before the book was published. Who knew one day the collection will end up inspiring Steve Jobs during his tough times. Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night is one of Job’s favorites from the splendid collection.

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What did Steve Jobs say about the book The Secret Life?

After reading the book in the first year of his college, Jobs said, “it (the book) transformed me and many of my friends”. Through this profound book, the author intends to help the world explore, and therefore, discover the spiritual side of their human selves using the timeless principles of yoga and meditation. 5.

Why is Steve Jobs considered a great entrepreneur?

When we think of great leaders, entrepreneurs, innovators and thinkers, it’s hard to miss Steve Jobs. His success in life is a matter of great wonder for many people. And this is probably why today he’s not just known as a great entrepreneur but an inspiring phenomenon of the twenty first century.