What is a good cost per result for Facebook ads?

What is a good cost per result for Facebook ads?

The ballpark Facebook CPC (cost per click) for most industries is between $0.70 and $1.01. The average CPM (cost per 1000 views) is around $8.00 – $10.00. The average click-through rate (CTR) for Facebook ads across all industries is 0.90\%.

What is a good cost per like on Facebook?

The average Cost Per Click (CPC) is about $0.35 globally and about $0.28 in the U.S. The average cost per like is $0.23 in the U.S.

How many likes do you need on Facebook to make money?

Note: Facebook appears to be testing a 1,000 fan minimum in some regions. Your page must have reached one of these milestones in the past 60 days: 15,000 engagements; 180,000 minutes viewed across all of your videos; or 30,000 1-minute views on 3-minute+ videos.

How much does it cost to get 10K likes on Facebook?

Anywhere between $100 to $1500. Depends on how much money you are willing to spend and the quality of likes. Also, don’t forget your end goal, the key metric that you’re focusing on. Are you driving these likes only to get random 10k likes or looking at promoting products or generate leads from your FB page.

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How much do Facebook ads cost to increase fan base?

The cost per campaign depends on a number of factors. The best way to assess if Facebook ads is a good solution to increase your fan base, is to run a pilot campaign for a couple of days. Spend $10-$20 dollars per day and run the campaigns for a fixed duration (at least a week).

How many likes do you need to advertise a Facebook page?

By looking at Facebook Insights we can see the historical organic growth rate of the page. Let’s assume the page is growing at 100 fans per month organically. Our new advertising strategy will need to add 1,400 likes per month. Step 3: How Much Does a Facebook Like Cost?

How much do Facebook ad campaigns cost to grow a page?

In my experience, Facebook ad campaigns to grow a page can typically attract new fans at a cost between $0.20 and $1 per fan. Step 4: What Do You Need to Budget to Reach Your Goal?