
What is the email address of Quora?

What is the email address of Quora?

You can also email [email protected].

How do I start a formal email on Quora?

Always open a formal email with a salutation. Addressing the recipient by name (if known) is preferred. Include the person’s title (Mr., Mrs., Ms., Dr., etc.) with their last name, followed by a comma or a colon.

How do you politely email?

This should include your name, your organization (if applicable), your e-mail, website URL, and possibly a phone number or business address. Be sure to say ‘Thank you’ or ‘Kind Regards’ in your signature as well, being polite means saying nice things, and a kind goodbye is an easy way to show good intention.

How do you write an office email?

Writing Effective Emails

  1. Don’t overcommunicate by email.
  2. Make good use of subject lines.
  3. Keep messages clear and brief.
  4. Be polite.
  5. Check your tone.
  6. Proofread.
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How can I contact the Quora team?

Originally Answered: How can I contact the Quora team? To send feedback or contact Quora, go to On this page, select the appropriate option from the drop-down menu depending on your needs. The contact options are:

Is Quora good for feedback?

To conclude, please note that Quora is decidedly second-rate when it comes to listening to feedback from users. Your best bet is to discuss the changes with other Quorans, many of whom can be found via the aforementioned blogs. I keep getting questions that are very stupid and ignorant. Like how do I stop people from giving me their options. I

What can I do to improve my Quora profile?

Formatting tips, how to write good content, how to organize questions and other content on Quora. Changing privacy settings, reporting harassment, deleting/deactivating your account. Changing your profile photo, resetting the account password, notifications settings.

How do I appeal a flagged answer on Quora?

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Note: for flagged answers, you can appeal by clicking on the ‘appeal’ link in the notice you received from Quora Moderation To send feedback or contact Quora, go to On this page, select the appropriate option from the drop-down menu depending on your needs.