
Did anyone serve as witness to the resurrection?

Did anyone serve as witness to the resurrection?

QUESTION: Did anyone serve as witness to the resurrection? Eyewitness testimony of the resurrection, as recorded in the New Testament, is the basis of faith in Jesus as Christ. In John 15:27 and Acts 1:8, Jesus tells His apostles that they were to be witnesses.

How many times was Jesus seen alive in his resurrected body?

The resurrection best explains the historical evidence of Jesus being seen alive in a resurrected body on at least twelve (12) separate occasions by more than 500 witnesses, including at least two skeptics (James the Just and Paul fka Saul) (See article above)

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What is eyewitness testimony of the resurrection of Jesus Christ?

ANSWER: Eyewitness testimony of the resurrection, as recorded in the New Testament, is the basis of faith in Jesus as Christ. In John 15:27 and Acts 1:8, Jesus tells His apostles that they were to be witnesses.

Is there any historical evidence for the resurrection of Christ?

Matt Perman is the director of career navigation at The King’s College NYC, a blogger, and an author . The historical evidence for the resurrection of Christ is very good.

Was Paul a valid witness to the resurrection of Jesus?

These various accounts and references are remarkably consistent and early. Thus Paul is not only a valid witness to the resurrection of Jesus, at least as far as the canons of history are concerned, he is one of the most important of all of these witnesses.

Was there an eyewitness account of Jesus’ resurrection?

Paul identified people who saw the resurrected Christ during the 40 days before His ascension. Even Jesus’ enemies and disbelieving friends were eyewitnesses. The Bible records eyewitness accounts of Jesus’ resurrection.

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What is the evidence for the resurrection of Jesus Christ?

Consider the following evidence confirming Jesus’ resurrection: Numerous reliable texts: There are many documents, manuscripts and fragments of the Bible, Old and New Testament, in addition to secular sources that speak of Christ’s resurrection. This contrasts with relatively few documents about some historical figures such as Julius Caesar.