
Is Aurangzeb responsible for the downfall of Mughal Empire?

Is Aurangzeb responsible for the downfall of Mughal Empire?

Aurangzeb’s religious policy was largely responsible for the downfall of the Mughal Empire. His policy of religious persecution of the Hindus, who formed the bulk of the population of the country, hastened the fall of his dynasty. Akbar won over the Hindus by a policy of religious toleration.

Why Aurangzeb is considered the reason for the downfall of Mughal Empire?

Aurangzeb’s absence from the north for over 25 years and his failure to subdue the Marathas led to deterioration in administration; this undermined the prestige of the Empire and its army. In the 18th century, Maratha’s expansion in the north weakened central authority still further.

What were the main reasons behind the downfall of Mughal Empire?

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Causes of the decline of the Mughal Empire:

  • Weak Successors:
  • Degeneration of the Mughal Nobility:
  • Aurangzeb’s Religious persecution of the Hindus:
  • Demoralization of the Mughal Army:
  • Economic Bankruptcy:
  • Invasions:
  • Size of the Empire and Challenge from Regional Powers:
  • Aurangzeb’s Deccan Policy:

What were the main reasons behind the downfall of the Mughal Empire?

What began the decline of the Mughal Empire in India quizlet?

Many historians blame Aurangzeb for the decline of mughal empire, They said he reimposed the jizya tax on non-Muslims , he even took tax from the local people , he spent 25 years out of his empire to fight with the Maratha’s and made Sikhs and Hindus live according to Islam.

How the Mughal Empire ended?

By 1857 a considerable part of former Mughal India was under the East India Company’s control. After a crushing defeat in the war of 1857–1858 which he nominally led, the last Mughal, Bahadur Shah Zafar, was deposed by the British East India Company and exiled in 1858.

What made Aurangzeb cruel?

Aurangzeb’s treatment of his father and brothers is also depicted as a testimony of his cruelty. After usurping the throne from his father, Shah Jahan, Aurangzeb is believed to have imprisoned him in Agra, where he was rumoured to have been deprived of luxuries he had grown accustomed to, including music.

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What were the reasons for decline of Mughal Empire?

What was the downfall of the Mughal Empire?

The Mughal Empire began to decline in the 18th century, during the reign of Muḥammad Shah (1719–48). Much of its territory fell under the control of the Marathas and then the British. The last Mughal emperor, Bahādur Shah II (1837–57), was exiled by the British after his involvement with the Indian Mutiny of 1857–58.

What caused the fall of Mughal Empire?

The Fall of Mughal Empire. The fall of Mughal Empire Under Aurangzeb’s successors the decay of empire was hastened by several causes and the spirit of lawlessness rampant throughout the land. In such circumstances ruin of Mughal Empire was inevitable.

What were the effects of Aurangzeb’s absence from the north?

Aurangzeb’s absence from the north for over 25 years and his failure to subdue the Marathas led to deterioration in administration; this undermined the prestige of the Empire and its army. In the 18 th century, Maratha’s expansion in the north weakened central authority still further.

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How did the failure of mansabdari system affect the Mughal Empire?

Failure of Mansabdari or Jagirdari system resulted in economic bankruptcy of the Empire and therefore, the expenditure of Empire exceeded the income. It also resulted in rivalry of nobles which weakened the Empire politically and administratively. Discuss the causes of the downfall of the Mughal Empire.

How was the strength of Aurangzeb’s administration challenged?

The strength of Aurangzeb’s administration was challenged at its very nerve center around Delhi by Satnam, the Jat, and the Sikh uprisings. All of them were to a considerable extent the result of the oppression of the Mughal revenue officials over the peasantry.