
Is CONIC SECTION important for JEE?

Is CONIC SECTION important for JEE?

Coordinate geometry carries huge weightage in the JEE mathematics syllabus, and conic sections is an important topic in JEE coordinate geometry. You can expect around two to five questions on this topic in the JEE paper. So, it is very important for you to have good command over this topic if you want to score high.

How do you learn conic sections?

Conic sections are generated by the intersection of a plane with a cone. If the plane is parallel to the axis of revolution (the y -axis), then the conic section is a hyperbola. If the plane is parallel to the generating line, the conic section is a parabola.

Is conic sections easy for JEE MAINS?

Conic Section is a perfect combination of easy and difficult chapters such as probability, trigonometry, differential calculus, straight lines and circles in coordinate geometry, permutations and combinations in algebra are always simple to crack in IIT JEE. …

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How can I master CONIC SECTION in JEE Quora?

  1. Learn all formulae as said above.
  2. Practice example questions from books like TMH or Cengage.
  3. Practice previous year JEE Advanced questions as a test and see all the mistakes done by you.
  4. Focus and try to understand the concepts by heart as it will help you solve questions if you forget any formula.

Are conics hard?

Actually CONIC SECTION is not tough , if you revise it regularly then it will be an easy and scoring chapter for you in JEE MAINS as well as JEE ADVANCE. Just write all formulas in a separate page and revise it regularly and solve previous year JEE question bank.

Are there any JEE Mains conic section questions from previous years?

The conic section questions from the previous years of JEE Main are present in this page along with the detailed solution for each question. These questions include all the important topics and formulae.

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How to prepare syllabus for JEE Mains?

Step 1 : Get a complete idea about your syllabus. At this stage do not study details. Just keep the help of flowcharts to understand what is the overall content and how it is inter connected. Step 2: Complete your syllabus. Read line by line from NCERT and make short notes to revise later, like these :

Are conic sections hard to understand?

However, conic sections requires a substantial about of preparation and patience. The number of formulas to remember and the number of derivations to understand are aplenty. So, it’s perhaps best that you’re giving this topic a revision now and not picking the topic for the first time.