Tips and tricks

Is black hole related to Shiva?

Is black hole related to Shiva?

Another name for the Hindu god Shiva is Mahakala, the lord of time. Just as all colours are absorbed and dissolved into black, all names and forms are said to merge into Mahakala — symbolising his all-encompassing nature. Black can also represent total stillness or the complete absence of light, much like a black hole.

Why Lord Shiva is called mahakal?

According to Hinduism, Mahakal refers to lord Shiva as he is the destroyer of all elements. There is nothing beyond him, no element no dimensions not even time (kaal). That is why he is maha (greater) kaal (time). Thus he is known as “Mahakal”.

Is mahakal and Mahadev same?

Bholenath is one of the many names of Lord Shiva. another name is Mahadev ‘the god of the gods’. Shiva has been worshiped since time immemorial, he is Mahakaal, ruler of time, lord of the universe.

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What happens when a Blackhole is not feeding?

The energy being ejected from the blackhole becomes the basis for creation within the galaxy (Brahma). This process can even be observed in the actual blackhole itself. When the blackhole is not “feeding” equilibrium exists and the Vishnu principle dominates.

How did scientists first discover blackholes?

Originally there was only a theory about the existence of blackholes, but over time using radio telescopes scientist began to receive glimpses of blackholes but only while they were “feeding” or consuming matter.

What happens when equilibrium is lost in a blackhole?

If equilibrium is lost then the Shiva principle of destruction activates through the blackhole beginning to “feed” again. This feeding causes the expulsion of molecules and initiates the creation principle again.

Why do black holes eventually cease to exist?

Steven Hawking proved mathematically that it is possible for the blackhole, even with its tremendous gravity, to slowly lose a molecule at a time. So over time a blackhole will eventually cease to exist due to the loss of molecules.

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