
What is Lucius Malfoy job at the ministry?

What is Lucius Malfoy job at the ministry?

He didn’t work for the Ministry. He was a school governor, and worked at an apothecary. The wiki and its poor sources once again. It’s never mentioned in the books, or even on Pottermore.

How did the Malfoys make money?

The Malfoys expanded their already large estate with the lands of their Muggle neighbours, and dabbled successfully into Muggle currency and assets, becoming one of the wealthiest families in wizarding Britain.

Are the Malfoys rich?

The result is that they are one of the richest wizarding families in Britain, and it has been rumoured for many years (though never proven) that over the centuries the family has dabbled successfully in Muggle currency and assets.

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What was Draco Malfoy’s job?

Draco works at the Ministry Of Magic, directly below Hermione, who is Minister of Magic. Draco originally had no job as he inherited Malfoy Manor and all the money but seeing as he wanted to be a better person he applied for a different job as a Auror and then got promoted multiple times to where he now stands.

Does Draco Malfoy have a job?

How is Draco related to Luna?

I truly believe Luna and Draco are cousins. Luna’s mother has to be Lucius’ sister, in my eyes. Hagrid said all Purebloods are related one way or another, and I think he’s right. Movie Luna and Draco look so much alike, they just have to be family.

What does Lucius Malfoy do with his money?

Lucius is rich enough so he doesn’t need to work. He spends him time on the ministry using his money to corrupt ministry officials. He was also on the Board of Governors of Hogwarts but I don’t know if he was paid for that of it was a prestigious unpaid job.

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Do the Malfoys actually work?

Apparently, the Malfoys don’t work. From the page describing their familyat Pottermore: Independently wealthy, with no need to work for a living, they have generally preferred the role of power behind the throne, happy for others to do the donkey work and to take the responsibility for failure.

How did Arthur Weasley know Lucius Malfoy?

In “Chamber of Secrets,” when Harry and the Weasleys meet Lucius in the bookstore, it is made clear that Arthur Weasley knows Lucius because both of them work at the Ministry of Magic. This is repeated in other books, including at the Quiddich World Cup scene in “Goblet of Fire.”

Was Lucius Malfoy a good student at Hogwarts?

Lucius Malfoy wasn’t just an accomplished man as an adult, he was also a successful student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. During his time at the magical school, Malfoy was chosen to be the Prefect for Slytherin House.