Where should I start studying Marxism?

Where should I start studying Marxism?

The Communist Manifesto is definitely the best place to start. Another popular introduction to Marxism is Frederick Engels’s Socialism: Utopian and Scientific, which not only places Marx’s ideas in their historical context, but also clearly and concisely summarizes them.

Where do they practice communism?

Today, the existing communist states in the world are in China, Cuba, Laos and Vietnam.

What should I read from Marx?

Marx’s own writing

  • An Introduction to a Contribution to the Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right (Available here)
  • Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844 (Available here)
  • The Communist Manifesto (Available here)
  • The German Ideology (Available here)
  • Capital (Volume 1) (Available here)

What are some good books to learn about communism?

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If you identify yourself as a communist, people will presume you are familiar with these texts and expect you to be able to discuss them knowledgeably. Begin with Frederick Engels’ The Principles of Communism, a pamphlet he wrote in 1847 outlining the key tenets of Marxist communism.

How much money is being spent to trace a course for communism?

Millions of dollars are being spent by various governments of the world, using all the devices which the human mind can conceive, in order to trace a future course for Communism. One can hardly pick up a paper or a magazine which does not have an article on the subject.

What is communism in simple words?

In simple terms, communism is a society in which private property and social class do not exist and the government owns all things necessary to make and transport products. Communism is generally considered to be the opposite of capitalism, which is a society that emphasizes private property and the private sale and trade of goods.

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What is the most famous form of communism?

Marxist Communism. By far the most famous form of communism is Marxist Communism. Based on the writings of Karl Marx, the concept of Marxist Communism became very influential in the 20th century because it inspired the communist revolutions of the Soviet Union, China, Vietnam, Korea, Nicaragua, and Cuba, among others.