
How would you describe Harry Potter as a character?

How would you describe Harry Potter as a character?

Throughout the series, Harry is described as having his father’s perpetually untidy black hair, his mother’s bright green eyes, and a lightning bolt-shaped scar on his forehead. He is further described as “small and skinny for his age” with “a thin face” and “knobbly knees”, and he wears Windsor glasses.

Which character in Harry Potter was a real life person?

Nicolas Flamel
The only real-life person who is named in the “Harry Potter” books is Nicolas Flamel. In “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone,” Flamel is the magician who created the Philosopher’s Stone. In real life, Flamel was a French scholar and bookseller who lived in the 14th and early 15th centuries.

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Is Harry Potter a real life story?

While no, there is no actual Harry Potter, he was based on a real person! JK Rowling drew her inspiration for The Boy Who Lived from her neighbor Ian Potter who lived just four doors down from Rowling when she was a child.

How did JK Rowling name?

Many characters in the series are named after other characters, including Harry, whose middle name honors his father. Rowling simply liked the names Harry and Potter. Potter was also the surname of Rowling’s childhood friends and neighbors.

What is the plot of Harry Potter?

“Harry Potter” is a series of fantasy novels written by author J. K. Rowling and published in 1997. The best-selling series tells the story of a young boy named Harry Potter who not only finds out that he is a wizard, but also that he is “the boy who lived” and must one day come face to face with the dark wizard who has tried to kill him.

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How well do you know Harry Potter’s Ron Weasley?

Share this test to find out! Ron is the best friend of Harry Potter and one of the main characters of this saga. This guy comes from a poor but friendly family. He knows about mutual aid and commitment since early ages. At the same time, he is shy and modest, a bit coward, but ready to do anything to protect his family and friends.

How would you deal with bullying in Harry Potter?

Go up to the bullies and kick their asses. Walk away and/or encourage the bullies. Call the police. Try and talk to the victim and give them advice. 9. Which Harry Potter boy would you most likely want to be best friends with? 10. Which Harry Potter girl would you most likely want to be best friends with?