
What was the best part in Naruto?

What was the best part in Naruto?

20 Best Episodes Of Naruto Shippuden, According To IMDb

  1. 1 The Tale Of Jiraiya The Gallant, Episode 133 (9.5)
  2. 2 Naruto And Sasuke, Episode 477 (9.5)
  3. 3 The Final Battle, Episode 476 (9.3)
  4. 4 Kakashi Vs.
  5. 5 Thank You, Episode 249 (9.3)
  6. 6 Uchiha Madara, Episode 322 (9.3)
  7. 7 The Unison Sign, Episode 478 (9.2)

Why is Naruto your favorite?

For many people, the anime Naruto is both relatable and inspiring. The series often delves into themes involving friendship, loyalty, purpose, and determination, which are all things people struggle with daily to understand. Part of the reason why Naruto is so relatable is due to the characters within the show.

What is the best story arc in Naruto?

Naruto: The 10 Best Arcs In The Whole Franchise, Ranked

  1. 1 Pain’s Assault.
  2. 2 Tale Of Jiraiya The Gallant.
  3. 3 The Chunin Exam.
  4. 4 The Fourth Shinobi World War.
  5. 5 Akatsuki’s Suppression Mission.
  6. 6 The Fated Battle Between Brothers.
  7. 7 The Five Kage Summit.
  8. 8 The Search For Tsunade.
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Who did Naruto fight first?

15 Naruto Uzumaki & Iruka Umino Vs Mizuki The first-ever battle in Naruto lacks much of the flair and fancy jutsu of later fight scenes, but it’s symbolically important. In desperation, Naruto had “borrowed” a forbidden jutsu scroll, and Mizuki was out to kill him.

Who Killed pain?

After getting close enough to Nagato, the Deva Path performed Chibaku Tensei, nearly capturing Naruto in a large, floating sphere of earth. This pushed him into the eight-tailed transformation eventually breaking out of the trap. Pain defeated by Naruto.

Who is best character in Naruto?

Naruto: The 16 Best Characters In The Series

  • 8 Orochimaru.
  • 7 Hinata.
  • 6 Gaara.
  • 5 Jiraiya.
  • 4 Itachi.
  • 3 Sasuke.
  • 2 Naruto. Of course, Naruto’s title character has to rank highly on any list of its best characters.
  • 1 Kakashi. Naruto may have title billing but the spotlight is just nicked away by his Team 7 leader, Kakashi.

What do you like about Naruto?

Naruto is the gamer that uses PAYS to win. Naruto was the reincarnation of Sage of Six Paths sons, so he already had plot armor. Combine that with rasenshuriken, Kurama, and Sage Mode. I mean come on. What I like is that evne though Madara faced Minato, Obito, Kakashi, Sasuke, Naruto, and the other Hogakes, they never made him that excited.

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Who is the strongest taijutsu in Naruto?

Now for Number 1. Madara and Kakashi acknowledges Might Guy as the strongest Taijutsu. the best way I can explain the difference between Might Guy and Naruto is this. Might Guy is the pinnacle of free to play. He is the guy who trains super hard, doesn’t use cheat codes, and doesn’t take any shortcuts.

What is Sasuke’s Chidori in the fight with Naruto?

In this fight, Sasuke is jealous of Naruto’s progression, and fears that he will be better than him. On top of that, Itachi practically ignored Sasuke, so Sasuke is feeling pretty angry. in his anger, he tries to fight Naruto, and Naruto and Sasuke duke it out. Personally, I think Sasuke would have lost in this. This is Sasuke’s chidori.