What is a high maintenance personality?

What is a high maintenance personality?

Gerri Hirshey. 2 of a person : tending to cause problems or demand attention : extremely sensitive, demanding, or temperamental Playing the victim gets you absolutely nowhere, and it only makes you seem tiring and high-maintenance to your boss. —

What is a high maintenance wife?

A high-maintenance girl is someone who has high standards with respect to almost everything. She not only has high expectations with respect to material things but also with respect to her need for love and attention. Being high maintenance can be related to anything, it can be materialistic, emotional or otherwise.

What does “high maintenance” really mean?

According to Collins Unabridged English Dictionary, the term high maintenance is an adjective that means something requires a lot of time, money, or effort to maintain. This term is often used to describe people with high standards for their relationships.

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What is the definition of high maintenance person?

High Maintenance. Meaning. High maintenance describes a person who needs a lot of attention, typically in the form of emotional or financial support. It may also be used to refer to a person who does not like to compromise when it comes to his expensive taste in clothing, food, homes, cars, etc.

What makes Girls High Maintenance?

A high maintenance girl is self-obsessed. All that your girlfriend cares about is her appearance and what others think about her.

  • She criticizes your dressing style. Girls who are high maintenance are conscious about their looks and their image in front of others.
  • You feel like her errand boy.
  • A high maintenance girl takes ages to get ready.
  • What is another word for high-maintenance?


  • over-particular
  • acrimonious
  • criticizing
  • unfair
  • punctilious
  • caviling
  • fault-finding
  • censuring
  • froward
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aLuZEvy03YM