
How many 5 digit numbers can be made from the digits 1 to 7 if repetition is allowed?

How many 5 digit numbers can be made from the digits 1 to 7 if repetition is allowed?

16807 ways
How many five-digit numbers can be made from the digits 1 to 7 if repetition is allowed? Explanation: 75 = 16807 ways of making the numbers consisting of five digits if repetition is allowed.

How many 5 digit numbers can be formed using 09?

How many 5 digit numbers can be formed using 0-9 where 9 will never occure on 1st place? – Mathematics Solutions. Now, there are 105 ways in which the digits 0-9 can be chosen for the five places of a five digit number. The total number of 5 digit numbers have no digits repeated is 9x9x8x7x6 which is equal to 27216.

How do I find my 5 digit class number?

A five-digit number associated with a specific class. The class number appears to the left of each class listing or each section of a class. It is not the specific number associated with a course (offered by a department any given term), but with a class (that has a specific term, time, location, instructor, etc.).

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What is the small 5 digit number?

The smallest five-digit number = 10000.

How to calculate 3 digit numbers with exactly one digit as 5?

To calculate the 3 digit numbers with exactly one of its digit as 5, we need to use permutation and combination. Case 2) B=5, thus C be any digit but 5 while A can be any digit but 0 & 5. A cannot be 0 as it will violate the rule of being a 3 digit number.

How many 5 digit numbers are divisible by 4 without repetition?

So, if a number ends with 12,24,32,44 or 52, then it is divisible by 4 First 3 digits can be arranged in 53 ways So, the total number of 5 digit numbers which are divisible by 4 without repetition is 53 ×5 = 625

How many 4 digit combinations are there in a 4 digit group?

In a group of 4 digits, there are 4 different options for the first digit within the group. Gives that four each group of 4 digits, the number of options is 4 x (the number of combinations with 3 digits). Altogether, the number of options for 5 digits is 5 x 4 x (the number of combinations with 3 digits).

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How many possibilities are there for the first two digits?

Consider two cases. In one case, the first two digits are different. There are 5 ⋅ 4 possibilities that satisfy this. The third can be any of the 5, so there are 5 ⋅ 4 ⋅ 5 = 100 possibilities for the first case. In the second case, the first two digits are the same.