Tips and tricks

Where are you most likely to meet your partner?

Where are you most likely to meet your partner?

As you’ll see, we’re meeting people in a lot of different ways today.

  1. Through Friends: 39\% Andrew Zaeh for Bustle.
  2. At Work: 15\% Andrew Zaeh for Bustle.
  3. At Bars And Other Public Areas: 12\% Fotolia.
  4. At Sport/Religion/Hobby Events: 9\% Fotolia.
  5. On The Internet And Dating Apps: 8\%
  6. Through Family: 7\%
  7. School: 6\%
  8. Speed Dating: 1\%

How do you meet people in a relationship?

Check out Bustle’s ‘Save The Date’ and other videos on Facebook and the Bustle app across Apple TV, Roku, and Amazon Fire TV.

  1. Never Skip Work Happy Hour.
  2. Check Out What Events Your Friends Are Attending On Facebook (And Go)
  3. Always Go To Friends’ Birthday Parties.
  4. Take Public Transportation To Work.
  5. Volunteer Your Time.

How do people really meet people?

Work relationships always sound terrifying for me, but it was the second most popular way to meet people — with 15 percent meeting their significant other through work. So 12 percent met in a bar (which sounds reasonable) or at “other public areas,” which sounds… interesting. But perhaps beaches, parks, and meet-cutes fit the bill on this one.

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What percentage of people meet their significant other through work?

At Work: 15 Percent. 15 percent of respondents met their significant other through work, which I thought was really high, considering how tricky that situation could get. But in a way it makes sense— they’re the people you spend a ridiculous amount of time with.

What are the strangest ways couples meet their partners?

Awwww. Recently we asked the BuzzFeed Community to tell us the strangest ways couples met their partners. Here are some of the best ones. 1. This couple who met through a delivered pizza: “I met my husband when we were in high school — I was having a sleepover with friends and he delivered a pizza to my house.

Can you meet your partner through a friend?

Thirty-nine percent of people surveyed had met their partner through a friend, so it may be time to get out there and have a friend introduce you their friend. Work relationships always sound terrifying for me, but it was the second most popular way to meet people — with 15 percent meeting their significant other through work.