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Did Snape and Dumbledore have a plan?

Did Snape and Dumbledore have a plan?

Summary: Dumbledore had a latent plan involving Snape that went terribly awry; almost causing Harry’s mission to fail as well as getting Snape killed. As it turns out, something Harry does is the direct cause of Snape’s death.

Did Dumbledore know Snape was good?

I think the short answer is Yes. As u/SandBook explained, by asking Snape to kill him, he planned to die undefeated. But Dumbledore would have known that eventually, Voldy would figure out the Elder Wand thing, and go after the person who killed Dumbledore. That’s why Dumbledore made sure it was Snape.

Did Dumbledore mean for Snape to die?

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Harry says, “If you planned your death with Snape, you meant him to end up with the Elder Wand, didn’t you?,” and Dumbledore replies, “I admit that was my intention” (DH 721). He did not morally feel like he could leave Snape to face Voldemort without any way of saving his own life.

What was snapes end goal?

It is undeniable that the main motivation of most of Severus Snape’s actions was his love for Lily Evans, Harry Potter’s mother. After all, she was the reason for his protection of Harry. Her death was also the main reason for Snape’s eventual involvement in the destruction of the Dark Lord, Voldemort.

What was Dumbledore’s plan to defeat Voldemort?

Dumbledore presumably thought long and hard about what to do with the Elder Wand, and his plan, in typical Dumbledore fashion, kills three birds with one stone: breaking the power of the Elder Wand, keeping Voldemort from getting it whether he could master it or not, and still using it to give Harry an advantage in the …

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Why was Snape so loyal to Dumbledore?

Snape was actually loyal towards Dumbledore, even if he was a crappy teacher, and owed him pretty good. Snape got his ass saved by Dumbledore, he killed him since Dumbledore said so, and did a crapload of other things, like saving Harry.

Why is Dumbledore worried that Voldemort could come back?

However, Dumbledore is immediately worried that even if Voldemort appears to be dead, he could come back. Severus Snape has been spying for him for over a year, and he has reported that Voldemort boasts of his immortality—that he has not only taken measures to overcome death, but that he has gone further than any other wizard in history.

Why does Dumbledore get so much hate?

Albus Dumbledore gets a lot of criticism for his actions over the course of the Harry Potter series. Many fans even go so far as to suggest (as Snape did) that he was acting maliciously, or at least callously and indifferently in his treatment of Harry.

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Does Dumbledore’s plan work out in the end?

Dumbledore’s plans don’t go as intended that year, but it does mostly work out in the end. The following year is when the first bombshell comes: Harry Potter is a Parselmouth. At first, Dumbledore doesn’t know what this means, and he doesn’t get the chance to examine Harry or talk to him about it, but at the end of the year]