
How fast is a Romulan warbird?

How fast is a Romulan warbird?

It reaches a speed of at least warp 5, has disruptor cannons, phasers, fore and aft torpedo launchers, and concussive charge weaponry.

How fast are Romulan ships?

According to the official scale warp 8 equates to 512 times lightspeed, so the Romulan ship averaged nearly 80 x c between the outposts. For the Romulan ship to be sublight, the Enterprise top speed would have to be less than 10 x c.

How many decks does a Romulan Warbird have?

D’Deridex Class

Universe : Prime Timeline
Commissioned : Unknown, but approx. 2345 to date
Dimensions : Length : 1,041.65 m [7] Beam : 772.43 m [8] Height : 285.47 m [8] Decks : 82
Mass : 4,320,000 [8] metric tons (estimated)
Crew : 1,500 [8], troops and officers

How big is the Romulan warbird?

603 meters
Nevertheless, he was still remembered in the Romulan Empire with the namesake of this 24th-century warbird. At 603 meters in length, the Valdore was not a small vessel. Its sleek design carried familiar characteristics that were a staple of Romulan design.

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Can a Romulan Warbird cloak?

Romulan Battle Cloak is a player-only ability available only to players who use various Warbird type vessels. It allows the player to cloak during combat and vastly increases survivability although it has to be used with caution as it will remove your shields.

How did Klingons get cloaking technology?

Similar to the Romulan cloaking device, the Klingons received this technology from the Romulans circa 2268, when the two civilizations shared a political alliance. In 2293 the Klingons tested an experimental Bird-of-Prey that could operate its weapons while cloaked. …

What is the largest Federation starship?

At 1,607.2 meters in length, 764.4 meters across, and 305.76 meters high, it is the largest starship class ever built by Starfleet ….Invincible class.

Affiliation: Federation, Starfleet
Status: Active
Launched: 2384

Who designed the Romulan warbird?

Andrew Probert
It first appeared in the episode of The Next Generation “The Neutral Zone” signaling the end of Romulan isolation. The Romulan Warbird was one of the most critical things Andrew Probert designed during TNG’ s first season, where he gave STAR TREK an entirely new look.

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Did Klingons cloak?

The Klingons first acquired cloaking technology in 2268 during a brief alliance with the Romulan Star Empire and since then it has become a standard feature on all Klingon ships.

Are Romulans good or bad?

The Romulans are one of the most prominent villains of Star Trek, one of the few alien races in the series that has remained hostile towards the Federation, having never truly been defeated nor allied, though they did join forces with them in the war against the Dominion.

What happened to the Romulan Warbird?

It served as the backbone of the Romulan fleet during the later half of the 24th century. The uncloaking of a warbird of this type in 2364, during an encounter with the USS Enterprise -D on the edge of the Neutral Zone, signaled the end to fifty-three years of Romulan isolation.

What was the D’deridex -class Warbird in 2152?

Daniels, a 31st century temporal agent, brought a database with him to the 22nd century that included schematics on the D’deridex -class. Captain Jonathan Archer and T’Pol scrolled past the schematics in 2152. ( ENT: ” Future Tense “) The D’deridex -class warbird was classified as a battle cruiser by Starfleet.

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How did the D’deridex become so powerful?

Using a forced quantum singularity as a power source and the latest in Romulan cloaking technology, the D’deridex was not only one of the most advanced vessels in the Romulan Star Empire, but also in the Alpha Quadrant. These warbirds were roughly twice as long as a Federation Galaxy -class starship with a lower overall maximum warp.

What happened to the Romulans in the Dominion War?

Over the next ten years, these warbirds, under the command of both the Romulan military and the Tal Shiar, participated in numerous encounters with Starfleet and the Dominion . By 2374, they were prominently featured in the Dominion War, where they were instrumental in forcing the Dominion fleets back, time and again.