
Can cichlids be kept in a community tank?

Can cichlids be kept in a community tank?

As long as the cichlid species you choose is fairly peaceful and doesn’t tend to prey on smaller fish, it can be considered for a community tank.

What fish can live with Lake Malawi cichlids?

List of Tank Mates for Quick Reading

  • African Butterfly Cichlid.
  • African Red-Eyed Tetra.
  • Clown Loaches.
  • Flying Fox Fish.
  • Giant Danios.
  • Leopard Bushfish.
  • Murray River Rainbowfish.
  • Plecos.

Can all Lake Malawi cichlids live together?

Because cichlids are mostly aggressive, they are generally not community fish and only do best in species tanks. Keeping cichlids from the same region together is also recommended. For instance, mbuna and peacock cichlids will do well together since they both come from Lake Malawi in the east coast of Africa.

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Can cichlids live with bettas?

Although bettas and cichlids have similar requirements when it comes to water temperature, hardness, and pH, they have very different feeding requirements, and their temperaments are incompatible. Because both these types of fish are aggressive and territorial, they cannot be kept in a tank together.

Can you mix cichlids?

Start by only mixing cichlids of a similar size because you don’t want them to eat each other. The world’s largest and smallest cichlid come from Lake Tanganyika in Africa’s Great Rift Valley, so their water conditions are the same. Mix cichlids at least two-thirds the size of their tank mates to ensure survival.

How many cichlids should I start with?

Add only 1 to 3 cichlids at a time to make sure the filter can handle all the new action in the neighborhood. The chemical balance in your aquarium will change with every new fish you introduce, so check the tank’s pH, ammonia, nitrite and nitrate levels regularly.

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Why do cichlids bite each other?

Many species of cichlid grab each other by the lips to wrestle. Males most often engage in this behavior. This behavior can stem from a territorial dispute or showing off for females. Cichlids can injure each other pretty badly with this behavior.

What do cichlids eat?

Feeding Time Most African cichlids are omnivores. Feed sinking pellets or flakes as a staple food. Give green food like grocery store spinach occasionally, as many cichlids like green foods. Provide the occasional treat of live or frozen animal food like brine shrimp and bloodworms.

What is the pH of Malawi cichlids?

Let’s start with basics: the water. These cichlids naturally occur in a rift lake in East Africa called Lake Malawi. The water in their environment is very alkaline with a pH of 7.5 to 8.8, and it is also relatively soft to medium hard, 4 -6 dGH and 6-8 dGH.

Can you keep Malawian cichlids together?

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Lake Malawi Species. All Malawian cichlids are considered aggressive, and do not belong in a community tank. Normally, they should only be kept with other African cichlids of similar temperament, with a few notable exceptions that include some species of hardy catfish.

What is the best theme for a Lake Malawi cichlid tank?

In general the theme for a Lake Malawi Cichlid tank is rock and sand. This theme is great as the rocks and gravel are generally very natural colours of grey and brown, which really allows the Cichlids in the tank to stand out.

How many species of fish are in Lake Malawi?

Lake Malawi is the home of more species of fish than any other lake in the world, including over 1000 species of cichlids. Lake Malawi is one of the three rift lakes of Eastern Africa, along with Lake Tanganyika and Lake Victoria, and stretches 360 miles from north to south.