
Can my daughter be my sister?

Can my daughter be my sister?

The definition of niece is the daughter of your brother or sister, by blood or by marriage. A daughter of someone’s sibling, brother-in-law, or sister-in-law; either the daughter of one’s brother (“fraternal niece”), or of one’s sister (“sororal niece”).

Can your parents be your sibling?

They may share the same mother but different fathers (in which case they are known as uterine siblings or maternal half-siblings), or they may have the same father but different mothers (in which case, they are known as agnate siblings or paternal half-siblings.

Are you full siblings if you have the same mom?

Full siblings have the same mom and the same dad. So these siblings are getting all of their genetic information from the same two people. Half siblings only share DNA from one parent. The genetic information from the other parent is different.

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How do you call a sister to your mother?

Your mother’s sister is your aunt.

What do I call my brothers son?

A nephew is the son of your sibling. This makes you the aunt or uncle of that nephew. While a mom, dad, sister, and brother are members of an immediate family, a nephew is part of your extended family because he’s the son of a sibling.

Who is mother’s sister’s daughter?

Your mother’s sister’s daughter is your cousin. Your mother’s sister is your aunt, so therefore, the daughter of your aunt is your first cousin. In other words your mother’s sister’s daughter is your first cousin.

Can My Sister be my biological mother?

Yes, your sister could be your biological mother. She gave birth to you when she was a teenager and her parents, your grandparents, adopted you. That means that biologically they are your grandparents but legally they adopted you so they will be considered your parents.

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Can my father’s child be my mother?

Your father’s child, your half sister, would be your mother in this case. She would not be your full sister as a full sister has the same mother and father, while a half sister has the same mother or same father, but not both. You DO NOT WANT your sister to be your mother, that would be really messed up.

Is it possible for my half sister to be my mother?

It is biologically possible for your half sister to be your mother, but it would mean your father committed incest, which is illegal throughout the world. The other possibility would involve a legal adoption of you by your sister. I am in love with my biological sister.

Is Jennifer really my mum?

“Jennifer is.” I slowly digested the news: Jennifer, my older, glamorous, sister who flitted in and out of my life periodically, was actually my mum. But, rather than burst into tears, I lifted my seven-year-old face to look at the man who had been a father to me all my life and smiled. It was as if all my Christmasses had come at once.