What do you think about BTS?

What do you think about BTS?

Not really my type of music but I can respect the talent they have and appreciate their music. The fan base is strong because BTS seems to be really active on all communication fronts. They talk to fans constantly and ways seem appreciative of their fans for getting them to where they are now.

Why are so many fans leaving BTS?

There are so many people who know BTS but do not have any clues about kpop. 3. so many old fans are leaving because they have stared to feel like they are old for these stuffs.

How many views did the BTS butter MV get?

For example Butter which came out 3 months ago has 540M VIEWS. Bloody hell that a lot for just 3 months. Also it is way more views compared to other celebrities MVs that came out well before butter came out . Just look 1 THEY ARE NOT BABIES. They are fully grown adult men and calling them baby jungkook, baby jimin etc is j

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Are BTS overhyped or overhated?

9. bts are overhyped and overhated at the same time. When random magazine post about bts I see in instagram contains a lot of hate and hype comments. 10. we will never be able to predict when they will reach their peak. In boy with love Era, everybody said it was their peak]

They can be cocky and think their fandom is the best. They even assumed anyone who likes or shows interest in kpop to be an Army. They can be self-centered. I know BTS told you to love yourself but please remember to love other people as well.

What happened to BTS because of Antis?

That’s basically a summary of all the major things that have happened to bts because of antis and the whole point is that kpop fans want what bts and armys have but they won’t work towards it. They get ahead of themselves and start saying shot about bts which leads armys to retaliate.

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Do you think Armys don’t understand the struggle of BTS fans?

Most Armys also don’t know the struggle. It’s obviously not a secret that bts has lots of fans and they easily win awards. New Armys especially don’t understand the struggle. The group I stan just won an award which was a pretty big deal for the fandom and we worked so hard for it, I can’t express in words of the hardship we went through.

Why do people feel threatened by BTS?

The way some people (both famous and not) are treating the boys as a vehicle for fame, as accessories to pose and smile with without even knowing their names – these are clear indicators that BTS is succeeding and people are feeling threatened about it.
