
Why does Thor feel guilty?

Why does Thor feel guilty?

Thor felt guilt because he messed up and half the universe ceased to exist because of his failure. He was still angry at Thanos for killing Loki and Heimdall, and that’s why he threw Stormbreaker into Thanos chest. He want to make Thanos suffer some and that was his mistake.

Why did Thor didn’t aim for the head?

Thor didn’t go for the head because he wanted [to get] revenge against Thanos and wanted [to say] that “I told you I’d kill you for that” line. Thor was just as selfish as Star-Lord, it seems, putting his thirst for revenge ahead of, well, saving the entire world.

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Why is Thor the strongest?

Thor is one of the strongest members – if not the overall strongest – of the Avengers thanks to his thunderous abilities of a literal god and an enchanted hammer that’s rarely rivaled in power.

Why didnt Thor use Odin’s staff?

Thor wants to differentiate himself from his father. Thor doesn’t use Gungnir out of respect for Odin. Thor doesn’t feel ready to become king of Asgard (the weapon is, typically, wielded as a symbol of that position.)

Why was Thanos hand in Thor Ragnarok?

However, it was revealed in Thor: Ragnarok that the Infinity Gauntlet on Asgard is a fake, and according to director Taika Waititi, the reason Odin kept that prop around was so that others wouldn’t go looking for the real deal. Waititi explained to CinemaBlend’s own Eric Eisenberg: And then we realized like, Odin…

Was Hulk scared of Thanos in Infinity War?

Thanos Is NOT the One Thing Hulk Fears – the Truth Is Way More Heartbreaking. After Avengers: Infinity War, some people thought Hulk feared Thanos, but the real person he fears is one he can never truly defeat. Bruce Banner never Hulked up again in the movie, almost making it seem as though he was afraid of Thanos.

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Is Thor the most broken avenger?

Starts here4:35(Marvel) Thor | The Broken Avenger – YouTubeYouTube

Why did Thor Kill Jormungand?

Thor who was still angry for losing the competition in Utgard-Loki this time determined to kill Jormungand. However, Hymir the giant that went with Thor was afraid of the prophecy. In Norse mythology, the prophecy said that when Jormungandr lifted himself from ocean waves, there came the time of Ragnarok.

Why is Thor so drunk in Thor 2?

Thor’s habits point toward addiction, as he remains viciously drunk throughout the majority of the film. He even tries to bail on Rocket during their mission for the Reality Stone so he can find more alcohol.

Will there ever be a Thor movie?

A feature film adaptation of the comic book Thor had been in the works for years before Marvel Studios forged ahead with its own version. Sam Raimi, who would go on to direct Spider-Man and help define the superhero genre, originally wanted to make Thor back in the early 1990s after Darkman, but the studio wasn’t interested.

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Why did Thor gain so much weight?

In addition to exhibiting symptoms of depression, alcoholism, and post-traumatic stress disorder, Thor had gained a noticeable amount of weight. Though weight gain is a symptom of some mental illnesses, there were multiple jokes specifically about his weight gain, which could easily be read as fat-shaming.