
Can I send someone to buy a car for me?

Can I send someone to buy a car for me?

Yes, give your brother a power of attorney to act on your behalf to purchase and register the car in your name. Some state MVA’s have these forms pre-printed, but a simple, witnessed declaration signed by all parties will do just fine.

How much does a car negotiator cost?

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How much do car brokers charge?

How much does a car broker charge? A broker’s commission is typically built into the price of the car they secure, or paid by the vendor itself. This means you’re unlikely to ever see a bill from a car broker. That said, their services aren’t free and can charge between $250 and $1000 for a single procurement.

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What does a car broker do?

An auto broker is someone who works on behalf of the consumer, to help them get the car they’re looking for, at a good price. An auto broker works in between the buyer and the dealer, and can help negotiate price, as well as help track down specific vehicles. As a broker, Petrol Auto Sales will be hired only by you.

Can I buy my friend a car?

If you purchase a car for someone else, you have the option to have the loan in your name or to cosign with the individual you’re buying it for. The only way to buy the vehicle as a surprise is to put in the loan in your own name. The title may be registered under both names.

Can I buy a car online and have someone else pick it up?

Maybe you have purchased a car online or perhaps you are relocating. In any case, it is possible to arrange for someone else to pick up your car. You just need to make sure you arrange this ahead of time.

Do car brokers save money?

Saves money: Brokers can usually negotiate a better purchase price than you would be able to on your own — perhaps even enough to cover the fee you’ll pay for their services. They can also negotiate financing terms to save you money with a better interest rate.

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What should I ask a car broker?

Things to Consider Before You Buy A Car

  • Where is the purchase agreement, and what is in it?
  • What does the warranty cover?
  • What does the long term maintenance look like?
  • Is the price on the paperwork the best your dealer can do?
  • What dealer fees are in the final price?
  • What are the financing terms for the deal?

How do car brokers get paid?

A car broker generally collects fees from the dealer, which the car buyer ends up paying indirectly. A car broker is someone who gets paid by both a buyers and a dealership to help facilitate a vehicle purchase. Generally a car broker needs to have a dealer’s license and does not exclusively represent the buyer.

What is the difference between a car dealer and a broker?

A Dealer is the car company that owns the cars they are making available for lease and purchase. A Broker is an impartial “middleman” who works for the buyer to find the best deal available on a vehicle that the buyer wants.

How do I buy a car in someone else’s name?

The person receiving the car will need to go to the dealership in person to cosign the loan, and if you’re planning the gift as a surprise, you will need to put the loan into your own name. The title of the vehicle can still be registered under both your name and the recipient’s.

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Should I hire a broker when buying a new car?

A consumer can often get similar deals by simply calling or e-mailing a dealership’s fleet or Internet manager and negotiating prices through them. In the end, most consumers can save hundreds if not thousands of dollars by hiring a professional to broker the purchase of their next car.

What questions should I ask when buying a used car?

Ask questions to the company or individual about how they find deals on cars, what background they have in the car business and if they receive any money from dealerships or carmakers for making deals. Look for feedback about other customers’ experiences with the broker on auto chat boards, like’s Town Hall forums.

How do I get the best deal when buying a car?

Confirm that broker fees are charged on a flat-rate basis to ensure that you get the best deal on your car. Check with any wholesale clubs or auto clubs to see if they offer car-buying services free of charge. Should You Use a Car-Buying Concierge?

Is it illegal to work with a car leasing agency?

This isn’t illegal or even unethical, but can lead you to question whether they really have your best interests at heart. “There are many people and services posing as brokers or leasing and buying agencies,” said Jay Green, owner and founder of in Los Angeles.