
Does fire hurt Saitama?

Does fire hurt Saitama?

In fact, no character has actually been able to damage, or even physically harm Saitama in any way. When Genos created a huge, spherical blast of flame to kill Mosquito Girl’s mosquitoes, Saitama remains standing right next to him completely unharmed, unperturbed and very dirty (though his clothes were burnt).

Can Superman beat one punch man?

It’s difficult to imagine him in a serious battle scenario because he comedically defeats all of his opponents with a single punch. As powerful as Superman is, he just can’t compete with that. The winner is One-Punch Man.

Can Saitama beat Hyperion?

Saitama would win. It has been shown that he is fireproof and also completely invulnerable to physical and mental attacks. So all it takes is one punch, and then it’s over for Hyperion.

How strong is Superman’s laser?

The temperature of heat vision or a laser beam is stated to be 5000 degrees (presumably Celsius), making it capable of burning through the toughest steel, material and armor.

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Can Saitama defeat a mosquito?

Saitama’s main power is that he is so strong that when he moves his hand all the air in the surrounding also rush with it. So Saitama used those fast movement to kill a single mosquito but the air pushed by his fast movement allowed the mosquito to evade each attack.

Can Saitama beat Superman?

Superman famously has quite a few weaknesses. Everyone knows kryptonite can kill him. But he’s also susceptible to magic. And he loses his powers under red sun radiation. Saitama may not need any of those things to beat Superman, but knowing they’re out there definitely tilts the odds in his favor.

How strong is Saitama?

Saitama hasn’t even had a scratch on him and Superman was beaten so bad he died, not a good start for the Man of Steel. Saitama’s strength is obviously off the charts, not only seen by his punching but also his invulnerability. He’s also extremely fast, and his super-speed rivals that of nearly any speedster out there.

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What powers does Superman actually have?

Superman has super-strength and super-invulnerability as well, along with super-speed. But unlike Saitama, Superman can fly. And he has heat vision. And x-ray vision. And freeze breath. Plus so many other powers that have come and gone over the years.

Why does Saitama get bored of being one punch man?

Now there are new contenders to his title, such as Goku. And then there’s Saitama. As the star of One-Punch Man, Saitama is so powerful that he defeats all his opponents in a single punch. This causes him to grow bored with heroism because there’s no one that can challenge him.