
Can a company fire you for what you post on Facebook?

Can a company fire you for what you post on Facebook?

In short, yes, you can be fired for what you post on social media like Facebook or any other site. However, there are certain laws that limit the extent of an employer’s right to fire or discipline employees for what they post online.

Can an employer use Facebook against you?

Your Rights Social Networking & Computer Privacy. Federal laws prohibit employers from discriminating against a prospective or current employee based on information on the employee’s social media relating to their race, color, national origin, gender, age, disability, and immigration or citizen status.

Can your employer use your social media against you?

The short answer is yes. It is completely legal for employers to check employees’ social media profiles. Some states even allow employers to solicit social media usernames and passwords from their workers. In general, state and federal privacy laws dictate what employers can and cannot ask for.

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Can your employer fire you for your social media posts?

As an employee, here’s what you need to know about posting on Facebook and other social media platforms. If you are employed at will, then there are some cases where your employer can fire you because of your social media posts. 1  In May 2021, for example, The Associated Press fired a reporter for her posts on Twitter. 2 

Why was an employee fired for posting negative things on Facebook?

The employee, who had posted a negative comment about her boss on her Facebook page from her personal computer on personal time, was reportedly suspended and then fired for her Facebook postings because the posting violated the company’s internet policies.

Can employees post anything they want on Facebook?

Employees can’t just post anything they want on Facebook or anywhere else. Libel or slander or posting comments about individuals that are not related to your work environment are not protected. Posting confidential company information, good or bad, is not protected.

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Can your employer terminate you for what you post on Facebook?

But while posting on social media may feel far removed from the workplace, in some cases, what you share on Facebook could lead to reprimands by your employer—or even having your position terminated. It’s a tangled, complex situation.