
Is 70 a bad rice purity test score?

Is 70 a bad rice purity test score?

You’re still considered pretty pure. Maybe you’ve had your first kiss or held hands with someone, but you haven’t gone much further than that. A Score between 93 and 77: This is about the average score range, which signifies that you are not an averagely pure person.

What is the average purity score for Rice?

What is the average Rice Purity score? 91.12 for people under 18; 85.26 for people under 25; 75.62 for people under 35; 63.77 for all people.

Is 54 a bad rice purity score?

If you scored 55-79: Everything is normal. Most adults probably have had the same experiences as you. But if you’re under 15 years old and still got a 45-59 point, you’re a naughty person. If you scored 30-54: Such a result shows that you’re a social person.

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Is Rice purity test bad?

The Rice Purity Test isn’t a very serious thing for most people. It’s generally taken with friends who laugh about it and joke, but it might have more gravity than we think and it certainly represents a much larger problem: peer pressure. Regardless, the result is that low scores on the Rice Purity Test are cool.

What is a purity test for virgins?

Many virginity tests are done by the “two finger” method. The examiner (often a doctor, community leader, or member of law enforcement) places two fingers inside a girl’s vagina, checking for an intact hymen (tissue at the vaginal opening) and/or vaginal laxity (a “looseness” that could suggest sexual activity).

What does the question mark mean on the rice purity test?

The farther down you get, the more immoral the questions become. The test then transitions into explicitly sexual questions. In fact, question 69 just has a question mark. The last 5-10 questions are obviously the most questionable, ranging from anal sex to bestiality.

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What does Question 69 mean on the rice purity test?

How does the rice purity test work?

How does the rice purity test work? The purity tests are taken by individuals themselves, simply requiring a yes or no answer to a list of hundred ‘Have you ever…’ questions. Users of the survey are asked to simply tick a box for everything they have done, before the test generates a score.

Can a urine test detect virginity?

There’s no need of urine test for thyroid problems. And nobody can tell when you had sex by testing your urine.

What is number 69 on the rice purity test?

In fact, question 69 just has a question mark. The last 5-10 questions are obviously the most questionable, ranging from anal sex to bestiality. This test was created by Rice University in an attempt to gauge how much college students mature their freshman year.

What is the rice purity test?

The Rice Purity Test is a 100-question survey that originated in Rice University. It is a self-graded survey that assesses the participants’ supposed degree of innocence in worldly matters (sex, drugs, deceit, and other activities assumed to be vices), generally on a percentage scale with 0\% being the least pure and 100\% being the purest.

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How do you use the purity test?

The test begins with the most innocent questions (such as have you ever held hands romantically) and then progresses to dirtier questions (such as have you ever paid or been paid for a sexual act). It will show you your results in the form of a percentage between 0 to 100, where 0 is the least pure and 100 is the most pure.

What is the grade scale for the purity test?

The grade scale for the test is from 0 to 100. The scale is broken down into different number ranges, which discern how impure or pure you are. Between 100-98, the taker is incredibly pure.