Tips and tricks

Is it harassment to call someone repeatedly?

Is it harassment to call someone repeatedly?

Calls made repeatedly—several times a night or one each day—are usually made to annoy you. If you have asked them to stop calling and they still do, it’s harassment. Nature and content of the calls. Calls with a threatening tone, or ones including a blackmail message are considered harassment.

Is it a crime to keep calling someone?

It is illegal for someone to continuously call you to harass you. It is also illegal for someone to have someone else do it. The law specifically says it must happen multiple times. It also states that using obscene language of any type or making threats constitutes harassment.

What to do if someone is harassing you on the phone?

Reporting to the phone company may be an option if the harassment isn’t at the point where the police can investigate. Keep in mind that through this process, the person making the harassing calls may be informed of who made the complaint – you. If you don’t want the abusive person to know details about you, this might not be the best option.

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Is it considered harassment to ask someone to stop talking to you?

It could be considered as harassment. Particularly if they ask you to stop. Harassment is defined as “aggressive pressure or intimidation.” So if they ask you to stop, and you don’t it might be interpreted as aggressive pressure. You did not indicate if this was a work situation.

Is it harassment to keep texting someone when they tell you to stop?

“Is it harassment to keep texting someone when they tell you to stop?” It is harassment after a certain point. Of course, it’s mild harassment at best because the other person could just simply block your number. If they choose not to do that, it means that at some times they’re fine with your texting and at others not fine with it.

Is it illegal to harass someone without being a police officer?

Even if it’s not illegal, just stop. This answer is based on the dictionary definition of harassment, not a legal one, as that would vary from state to state.