
Can there be true love in extramarital affairs?

Can there be true love in extramarital affairs?

Lifelong extramarital affairs are rare but they have always existed. Some affairs come out in the open and some don’t. Sometimes these affairs happen when both parties are married and when affairs turn into love it takes a completely different turn.

Why do extramarital affairs happen?

Some of the reasons cited as the cause for cheating may include: Unhappiness/Dissatisfaction: Dissatisfaction with the marriage either emotionally or sexually is common. Marriage is work, and without mutual nurturing couples may grow apart. A sexless marriage is often claimed as a reason for both men and women.

Is it wrong to have extra-marital affairs?

Sadly, the way woman handles an extra-marital affair is troublesome. For them, the affair starts by fulfilling emotional needs and then they start taking them very seriously. Most affairs end due to mismatch of emotional and sexual needs.” In general, the life of an extra-marital affair is not too long.

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What is an extramarital affair and is it legal?

When it’s an extramarital affair it would not have a legal recognition but since two people are in the relationship because they are in love, the bond is stronger than it is in a marriage. There are instances when partners in an extramarital affair have supported and sacrificed for each other in a way that married people would not be able to do.

Can a marriage be saved after an affair?

No matter what feelings an affair brings up in you, being married but in love with someone else creates marriage issues to deal with that can take months or years. Sometimes the damage is too serious, and there is no way to repair the marriage.

How does an affair affect two marriages?

Instead of affecting one marriage, the affair is now affecting two marriages: the complexity and potential volatility of the situation increase. The affair can be discovered in more ways, more lies that may need telling, and more risk involved for the two people having an affair.

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Why do people look for an extramarital relationship?

Another big reason people may look for an extramarital relationship is the need for emotional validation. It could be that their partner in the marriage is emotionally distant or withholds emotions from them. Or, maybe there is emotional validation in the marriage, but they seek more of it than is being given.